WikiJournal User Group/Meetings/2020-07-24

WikiJournal User Group
Open access • Publication charge free • Public peer review • Wikipedia-integrated

WikiJournal User Group is a publishing group of open-access, free-to-publish, Wikipedia-integrated academic journals. <seo title=" WJM, WikiJMed, Wiki.J.Med., WikiJMed, Wikiversity Journal User Group, WikiJournal WikiMed, Free to publish, Open access, Open-access, Non-profit, online journal, Public peer review "/>



Date: 24 July, 2020 1pm UTC (=8am EST)


  • Discussion of June public meeting - successes and items to work on
  • Scopus application - Success of WikiJMed and draft application for WikiJSci
  • Videos discussions
  • Minor calls to action:
  • Assistant/mentee editors? ← could be a way of adding depth to bench, and expediting reviews (EAY proposing)
  • integration with Publons, for peer review? (GM proposing)
  • What is process for deciding that it is time for an editorial decision? How many reviews? Is it action editor, or a group vote?
  • Eventual inclusion of studies about Wikipedia and its sister projects or other original research papers? (AL proposing)
  • DOI hit rates? (AL proposing)


  • Videos- Review idea, consider sustainability, continue conversation from email discussion
    • Test created by Dr. Moore and and a longer clip that I will share on my screen (Kelee)
    • Wikipedia:WikiProject_Videowiki
    • Goal is to put out a video every couple months-can be divided up by the social media team
    • Software used = open shot + ?
    • Everyone can contribute be submitting video clips / images / graphics that can be used
  • People still having problems with Jitsi. Decided to revert to zoom for next meeting,
  • SCOPUS aplication
    • WikiJMed - successful (full details)
    • WikiJSci - editors please check over next 2 weeks (link)
  • Discussion of Communication Strategy/plan- need to make something more concrete with Social Media Team
    • How to organize tweeting - Suggestion from Eric to work with a group (missed the name of the group) HGAPS - Helping give away psychological science H-GAPS_User_Group
    • Videos-one every couple months
    • Other targeted outreach? To universities?
  • Suggestion: standing item to overview article tracking table each month
    • Triage problem articles and keep pipeline fresh in our minds
    • Draft notes on them ahead of time and only give summary in meeting
    • 3-5 mins max per journal?
  • What is process for deciding that it is time for an editorial decision? How many reviews? Is it action editor, or a group vote?
    • Editorial guidelines
    • 2 or more peer reviewers that author has responded to
    • Peer reviewers may ask to see again after revisions to approve
    • Peer review coordinator (aka handling editor) notifies editorial board (including a recommendation to approve/decline)
    • Editorial board comes to consensus over next 1-2 weeks
  • Revisit publons for crediting peer reviewers?
    • Would mean reviewers can get credit even for declined articles
    • Will need to check how technically difficult it is
    • May be able to also integrate via wikidata?
  • Re: Assistant/mentee editors
    • Young academics could shadow experienced editors and assist
      • (similar to assoc. editor role)
    • Many keen to have opportunity to gain experience
    • Further motivation to improve our onboarding materials!
  • Re: inclusion of studies about Wikipedia
    • People generally supportive so long as we can show impartiality via reviewers
    • One example so far (link)
    • Could contact authors of wikipedia/wikidata papers
      • When cold-contacting - need to be careful not to appear predatory!
      • WMF hosting aids credibility
      • zero-fee aids credibility
  • Re: DOI hit rates

Action Items

  • Share these minutes to metawiki with any confidential info redacted (Thomas)
  • Organise next meeting (Kelee)
  • Organize next public meeting in September/October (Kelee)
  • Work on creating a communication strategy with Social Media Team (Kelee) reach out to Jack as part of this process
  • Social media communications plan
    • Create a communication plan and a sub-team (Kelee to start a doc/make it focus on next meeting to present ideas?)
    • ..if you are willing to be interviewed by me, please contact Candace (email redacted, see google doc copy of notes)
  • WikiJSci Scopus Application - Feedback by 7th August via email or editing directly
  • Everyone to check article tracking table (WikiJMed, WikiJSci, WikiJHum) in case you can assist on an article
    • Suggest a monthly update on this table (short written summary and 3 min verbal update from each journal)
  • Everyone to check editor applicants (and add this, this, or this to watchlist)
  • Melanie & Eric and other interested parties to work out mentee reviewer/consulting editor scheme to report on at next meeting. Integration with WikiData to make transparent who did what.
  • Check feasibility of integration with publons for crediting peer reviewers (Thomas & Gwinyai)