Write about human rights, environmental health and diverse communities impacted by these issues around the world!
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There will be small prizes from the Wikimedia store for the top contributors:
1st place -- $150 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
2nd place -- $100 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
3rd place -- $80 of goods from the Wikimedia Store
Next 3 top contributors in non-UN languages receive $50 in goods from the Wikimedia Store each.
In addition to the prizes all 1st through 10th place participants will get a certificate from UN Human Rights celebrating your contribution to the campaign.
Qualifying contributions will be documented on the Participants page, be in scope of the theme for the contest and be submitted between 15 April 2021 00:01 UTC and 15 May 2021 23:59 UTC. For more Terms for the Contest see Governance Wiki.