WikiConference India 2023/Submissions/Submitted/Strengthening the bonds through peer support for targets of harassment

Strengthening the bonds through peer support for targets of harassment


Abstract/description of your session

  • In this session we will talk about ways to support each other as peers in situations of conflict and high stress on Wikimedia projects. The session will start with a short introduction into the plans of the Community Development Team of the Wikimedia Foundation to start a project for peer support. Following this input, all participants will be invited to an open discussion around the different ways peer support could help Wikimedia communities to grow healthily and sustainably. Questions, feedback and ideas from this session will help shape the planned peer support project.

How does it connect with the WCI 2023 theme/focus

  • Conflict and harassment are weakening bonds within communities. Often those issues are dealt with through steps from a higher authority like a block from an administrator, a decision by an ArbCom or even a lock from the Wikimedia Foundation. These methods help prevent harm, but often they do not benefit the community in other ways. Finding ways to connect on a peer to peer level to deal with those difficult issues will be an important step to strengthen community bonds.

Speaker name/s or username/s




Contact details (optional)


Language of the session

  • English

Session type

  • Town hall meeting

Session outcomes

  • Participants will have an idea about how they can contribute to the planned peer support project. Their ideas, questions and feedback will impact how the project will be implemented

Support required from organizers

  • Note taking would be very helpful and appreciated. If translation support into other languages than English would be possible, I would be deeply grateful
  • Yes for the input part, for the discussion part I would like to ask participants for their consent