WikiConference India 2023/Submissions/Submitted/Smart way to improve the Wikimedia contribution by using Tech tools - Spell4Wiki, SpotWikiEdit, QuickWiktionary

Smart way to improve the Wikimedia contribution by using Tech tools - Spell4Wiki, SpotWikiEdit, QuickWiktionary


Abstract/description of your session

  • Smart way to improve the Wikimedia contribution by using Tech tools - Spell4Wiki, SpotWikiEdit, QuickWiktionary

How does it connect with the WCI 2023 theme/focus

  • Sharing knowledge by showcasing on various Wikimedia tools what we developed. Like Spell4Wiki, SpotWikiEdit, QuickWiktionary, WikiBulkdownloader & WiktionaryBulkEdit.
  • All the above Wikimedia tools are needful and helpful for Wikimedians. So, that we are happy to share knowledge with other Wikimedia communities in this WCI 2023.
  • We're (Our VGLUG Team) wiling to analyze and getting simple tool requirements from other Wikimedia communities. Which is aim to develop those needful tools for the Wikimedia to improve the contributions.

Speaker name/s or username/s




Contact details (optional)


Language of the session

  • Primarily in English. However, we can also interact in Tamil.

Session type

  • Workshop (1 hour)

Session outcomes

  • Following tools, we have planned to cover with demo

1. Spell4Wiki - It is a mobile application to record and upload audio for Wiktionary words to Wikimedia Commons. Also act as a multilingual Wiki-Dictionary.
2. SpotWikiEdit- User can edit the wiki content directly by selecting. User can select the word need to edit. It will prompt for replacing string. Once replacing string given, it will get edited on the page.
3. QuickWiktionary - While select the word from browser, It helps to get meaning of the word from Wiktionary.
4. WikiBulky - Bulk download of media files from Wikimedia Commons category.
5. Bulk Wiktionary Creator - It helps to create a bulk of words with meaning in Wiktionary.

  • Contributors can gain knowledge of the above tools to consume and contribute.
  • How we are developed those tools, what are the struggles what we faced and how we overcome.
  • Sharing the upcoming tools and development work with other Wikimedians
  • This workshop will help Wikimedian to understand the importance of technical tools and save labor time and make better contributions easier.
  • Promoting awareness to consume the Wikimedia content, user's daily life.
  • Wikimedians can share their inputs and required tools for their contributions.

Useful links

Support required from organizers

  • No
  • Yes