WikiAlpenforum/News + Events

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Upcoming meetings


One of the objectives of WAF is to organize meetings and excursions in the Alpine space with the goal to connect Wikipedians “offline” and to enable the interpersonal exchange of ideas and skills.

For past meetings see the events page.

Date Place Activity Infos and inscription
1–3. June 2018   Bern Page on meta 1st Swiss +WAFtreff: Visit an exiting capital
Parlament Building, walking-day with Hydroelectric power station Mühleberg and Alpine Museum
19–22. July 2018   Ettal Abbey Page on WAF on Tour in Germany: Visit an exciting part of Bavaria
Bayerische Landesausstellung at Ettal Abbey and Linderhof Palace in the Bavarian mountains and much more
5–7. October 2018   St. Gallen Special event at the German WikiCon in preparation
5–7. October 2018   Grenoble Special event at the WikiConvention francophone in preparation
2–4. November 2018   Salzburg Page on, „Salzburger Orgellandschaft“ +WAFtreff 2018 in Austria
November 2018   Sion in preparation with the group of les sans pagEs Valais
7–10 Juni 2019   Schaan Page on, „300 years Principality of Liechtenstein 2019“ WAF on Tour 2019 in Liechtenstein
2019   Samoëns