WikiAfrica Education/About Moleskine Foundation

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About Moleskine Foundation


The Moleskine Foundation is a not-for-profit organization committed to providing youth with educational tools and experiences that help foster critical thinking, creative doing, and life-long learning, with a focus on underserved communities. Moleskine Foundation’s operating model and strategy is to effect impact through partnerships around the world. We have a strategic focus on underserved communities and youth. Our most important impact will always be the beneficiaries of our programs. Their wellbeing, growth, and learning come first – always. We believe that Creativity and Quality Education are key to producing positive change in society and driving our collective future. The Moleskine Foundation leverages the aspirational global brand of the Moleskine Company synonymous with culture, travel, memory, imagination, and personal identity for a younger audience that would not otherwise have access to innovative creativity tools.

You can also visit our main website here.

Strategic Aims for WikiAfrica Education


The 2020-2025 strategic focus of the WikiAfrica Education program is to inspire a new generation of African creative thinkers and doers by increasing production, access and awareness of contextually and linguistically relevant knowledge resources from African continent.

We have defined three strategic pillars to guide us and our strategic partners in achieving these objectives:

  1. WRITE: Increasing production of online knowledge resources from Africa.
  2. THINK: Build skills, engagement & critical consumption of Wikimedia.
  3. INSPIRE: Showcase and inspire the WikiAfrica Education mindset

To meet the strategic intent of the project, this work needs to be based in Africa, working with local partners to realize the goals of the strategy. To this end, a regional approach has been selected for operationalising this strategy (i.e. Central, East, North, West, and Southern Africa regions). The regional approach may also lend shape and focus of the linguistic mandate of the WikiAFrica Education project.