Wiki99/computer security

This is the Wiki99 list for topics about computer security.



Wiki99 is the idea to have a list of about 99 Wikipedia articles which should be translated into as many languages as possible in order to establish common understanding in a field.

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Translations start with structured data translation in Wikidata, then proceed to translation of prose in Wikipedia.

Wiki99 list by topic



Wikipedia articles
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 af am an ar as ast av ay az ba be bg bm bn bo br bs ca ce ch ckb co cs cv cy da de dv dz ee el eo es et eu ext faff fi fj fo fr fy ga gd gl gn gsw gu gv ha hak he hi hr ht hu hy ia id ie ig io is it iu ja jv ka kg kk kl km kn koks ku kw ky la lb lg li ln lo lt lv mg mk ml mn mr ms mt mynan nb ne nl nn ny oc om or os papi plpnb ps pt qu rm rn ro ru rw sa sc sd se sh si sk sl sn so sq sr st su svsw ta te tg th ti tk tl trts tt tw ug uk ur uz vi vo wawar wo wuu xhyiyo yue za zh zuΣ 
Wikidata item
1 information technologydevelopment, management, and use of computer-based information systems98Q11661142
2 cryptographypractice and study of secure communication techniques84Q8789151
3 encryptionprocess of encoding information, which is conversion of the original representation of the information, known as plaintext, into an alternative form known as ciphertext68Q141090121
4 hackerperson who uses technical knowledge to achieve a goal within a computerized system by non-standard means68Q148781
5 computer securitythe protection of computer systems and networks from theft, damage, misuse or data leak66Q3510521101
6 proxy serverComputer server that makes and receives requests on behalf of a user54Q1118931
7 information securityprotecting information by mitigating information risks49Q18990091
8authenticationact of confirming the truth of an attribute of a datum or entity, often used as part of access control50Q2121089
9 diiiipppcontent of the World Wide Web that is not indexed by search engines47Q22198981
10software testinginvestigation conducted to provide information about the quality of a software product or service under test and enable the business to understand the risks of software implementation47Q1885228
11proprietary softwarecomputer software released under a license restricting use, study or redistribution49Q2186166
12 vulnerabilitysecurity weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system's information assurance31Q63142591
13doxingInternet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifying information about an individual or organization33Q159014112
14 multi-factor authenticationauthentication method in which a computer user is granted access only after successfully presenting two or more pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism35Q787866251
15 green computingstudy and practice of environmentally sustainable computing or IT25Q106474631
16 dependency hellfrustration of some software users who have installed software packages which have dependencies on specific versions of other software packages11Q323411341
17 password policyset of rules designed to enhance computer security by encouraging users to employ strong passwords and use them properly8Q339468731
18programming ethics2Q183448161
19software securitysecurity aspects of softwareQ1148600222
20crisis communicationsub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation16Q3788742
21 security.txtfile format for posting security contact information11Q6505715521
22memory safetystate of being protected from memory access bugs10Q40809833
23post-quantum cryptographycryptography that is secure against quantum computers18Q72335764
Σautolist gallery221471161613221112714817111218871915121915185812121510101281134613173681418621111512711731262142153336132518214192561091712116792511413112098102171311195880avg.:  5 \ 38
(23 %)

Technical concepts and technologies

Wikipedia articles
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Wikidata item
1 bitcoin (2009–)digital cash system and associated currency102Q131723402
2 blockchaindistributed data store for digital transactions79Q20514253131
3 HTTP cookiesmall piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser58Q17899571
4 HTTPS (1994–)extension of the HTTP communications protocol to support TLS encryption56Q44484101
5 Secure Shell (1995–)cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication, remote shell services or command execution and other secure network services between two networked computers54Q170460101
6 Data Encryption Standard (1975–)Early unclassified symmetric-key block cipher49Q13503591
7 Advanced Encryption Standardblock cipher standard47Q19074681
8Transport Layer Securitycryptographic protocols for securing data in transit47Q20649413
9MD5 (1991–)message-digest hashing algorithm46Q1852357
10 non-fungible tokenspecial type of cryptographic token which represents something unique50Q5564845291
11dark web (2009–)part of the World Wide Web that is not directly reachable from the public Internet48Q41200827
12Border Gateway Protocolprotocol for communicating routing information on the Internet38Q111552
13 digital certificateelectronic document used to prove the ownership of a public key37Q27475831
14 Diffie–Hellman key exchangemethod of exchanging cryptographic keys31Q62344761
15SHA-2 (2002–)set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the NSA25Q19686056
16SHA-1 (1995–)cryptographic hash function25Q134149527
17Web3 (2014–)concept for a decentralized Internet29Q1066779333
18SHA-3 (2008–)set of cryptographic hash functions19Q11909479
19Common Vulnerabilities and Exposuresa list of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities16Q9495099510
20HTTP Strict Transport SecurityHTTP response header field and associated policy15Q24385401
21virtual private network serviceprovider offering access to virtual private network services1Q562404021
22password managersubclass of utility software20Q12811996
Σautolist gallery timeline221581182112251583197181313201282012121917112123811981012511712317204531912211914510731013313117511332013201142021829812141143424111318242135151132411212892avg.:  5 \ 41
(25 %)


Wikipedia articles
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Wikidata item
1 malwaresoftware that is intentionally hostile, intrusive, or damaging to a computer or network72Q1400191
2 phishingattempt to trick a person into revealing information75Q13500572
3denial-of-service attackcyber attack disrupting service by overloading the provider of the service56Q1314063
4 ransomwareprogram that locks files until a sum of money is paid58Q92633181
5 WannaCry ransomware attack (2017–)ransomware cyberattack50Q2995704192
6botnetcollection of compromised internet-connected devices controlled by a third party47Q3176716
7SQL injectiontype of code injection, used to attack vulnerable data-driven software applications41Q5060594
8 Stuxnetmalicious computer worm used to attack Iranian nuclear facilities36Q5347951
9ILOVEYOU (2000–)computer worm37Q8560969
10 deepfakeartificial intelligence-based human image synthesis technique46Q4947317972
11brute-force attackcryptanalytic method for unauthorized users to access data via an exhaustive search35Q8693705
12man-in-the-middle attackform of active eavesdropping in which the attacker makes connections with the victims and relays messages between them33Q5548303
13Pegasusspyware software34Q2673473710
14cyberattackany attempt to expose, alter, disable, destroy, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of a computer system36Q40719285
15exploitsoftware, data or commands that use a bug or vulnerability to compromise a computer system31Q112876
16zero-daycyberattack that utilizes a recently-publicized computer software vulnerability on systems which are yet to be mitigated28Q8467263
17cross-site request forgery (2001–)type of malicious exploit of a website where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user trusted by the web app, using image tags, hidden forms, XMLHttpRequest etc.21Q154014726
18zip bombmalicious archive file designed to crash or render useless the program or system reading it22Q6357582
19 AACS encryption key controversyattempts by MPAA and AACS-LA to prevent the distribution of a cryptographic key5Q2272961
20supply chain attackcyber-attack that seeks to damage an organization by targeting less-secure elements in the supply network6Q76445241
21cryptojackinghijacking a target's processing power in order to mine cryptocurrency on the hacker's behalf11Q1071212192
22backdoorcovert method of bypassing authentication or encryption in a computer39Q2545692
Σautolist gallery timeline22145203174891517620191811322131219172015411985113133172217202611202398414629831111721620219112195111079131815111317188615138211819avg.:  5 \ 37
(23 %)

State level challenges

Wikipedia articles
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 af am an ar as ast av ay az ba be bg bm bn bo br bs ca ce ch ckb co cs cv cy da de dv dz ee el eo es et eu ext faff fi fj fo fr fy ga gd gl gn gsw gu gv ha hak he hi hr ht hu hy ia id ie ig io is it iu ja jv ka kg kk kl km kn koks ku kw ky la lb lg li ln lo lt lv mg mk ml mn mr ms mt mynan nb ne nl nn ny oc om or os papi plpnb ps pt qu rm rn ro ru rw sa sc sd se sh si sk sl sn so sq sr st su svsw ta te tg th ti tk tl trts tt tw ug uk ur uz vi vo wawar wo wuu xhyiyo yue za zh zuΣ 
Wikidata item
1 cyberwarfareuse of technological force within cyberspace53Q84934051
2 electronic warfarecombat involving electronics and directed energy49Q27282651
3information warfareform of indirect warfare41Q9110365
4cyberterrorismuse attacks based on Internet or other computing and telecommunication networks in terrorist activities31Q11370044
5 XKeyscoreAmerican NSA Internet data scanner20Q1415013941
6Vault 7series of documents released by WikiLeaks in 201718Q289129816
7privacy policystatement or a legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer's or client's data21Q19998314
8Common Vulnerabilities and Exposuresa list of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities16Q9495099510
9nuclear electromagnetic pulseburst of electromagnetic radiation created by a nuclear explosion13Q159826683
10government by algorithmalgorithm-based form of government or social ordering11Q963797881
11artificial intelligence arms racearms race for the most advanced technologies in terms of artificial intelligence8Q487320832
12Artificial intelligence in governmentgovernmental use of AI8Q607676981
13CyberocracyFuturistic form of governance7Q5197824
14software copyrightconcept of copyright applied to computer code4Q11315264
15cyber-security regulationgovernment mandated computer security2Q5197670
Σautolist gallery152212252317363921125278101175348169191131323114172172103921142833379235391302avg.:  2 \ 20
(12 %)

FLOSS software, open standards, free culture, open-source security

Wikipedia articles
Description on Wikidata en aa ab abs ace ady aeb afak alnalt am ami an anganp ar arn arq ary arz as ase astatj av avkawa ay az azb ba ban barbbc bccbcibcl be be-
 bg bgnbho bi bjnblk bm bn bobpybqi brbrhbrx bsbtmbto bug bxr ca cbk-x-zamcdo ce ceb chcho chr chy ckb cocps cr crh cs csbcu cv cy dadag dedin diq dsbdtpdty dv dz ee egl el eo es et eu ext fafatff fifit fj fofon fr frc frp frr fur fy gagaa gaggan gcf gcr gd gil glgld glk gnFile:Goa government banner.pnggomgor got gpe grc gsw gugucgurguw gv ha hak haw he hi hifhilho hrhrx hsbhsn ht hu hy hywhz ia id ie igii ikilo inh io is it iu ja jam jbo jut jv jv-x-bms ka kaa kab kbd kbpkcg kea kgkhw kikiukjkjp kk kl km kn ko koi kr krckrikrj krlks kshksw ku kum kv kw ky la lad lb lbe lez lfn lg li lij liv lki lld lmo ln lo lozlrc lt ltg lusluz lv lzh lzz madmai mdf mgmh mhr mi min mk ml mn mni mnw mos mrmrhmrj ms mt mus mwl my myv mzn na nahnan napFile:Taranto City Flag.jpgnap
 nb nd nds nds-nl ne newng nia niu nlnmz nnnod novnqo nrfnso nv ny nynnys ocojb olo om or os papag pam pap pcdpcm pdc pdt pflpi pih pl pmspnb pntprg ps ptpwn ququg rcf rgnrif rmrmcrmy rn rorsk ru rue rupruq rwryu sasahsat sc scn sco sdsdcsdh seseises sg sgs shshi shnshy si sim
sjdsje sk skr slsli smsma smn sms sn so sq sr srnsro ss st stqsty su svsw syc szlszy ta taotay tcytdd tetet tg th ti tk tltly tn to tpi trtrutrvts tttum tw ty tyvtzm udm ug uk ur uz vai ve vec vep vi vls vmfvmw vo vot vro wawalwar wls wo wuuxac xal xh xmfxsyyiyoyoiyrkyrlyua yue za zeazgh zh zuΣ 
Wikidata item
1 GNU General Public Licenseseries of free software licenses76Q7603152
2 BitTorrent (2001–)peer-to-peer file sharing protocol67Q13386252
3 Git (2005–)distributed version control system65Q186055342
4 Tordaemon and utilities to allow traffic to reach the Tor network64Q202044262
5Pretty Good Privacycomputer program for data encryption, primarily in email (PGP)46Q122745215
6 Signal (2014–)privacy-focused encrypted messaging app46Q19718090322
7 Visual Studio Code (2015–)source code editor developed by Microsoft42Q19841877232
8 OpenVPN (2002–)open-source software application30Q509075231
9 OAuth29Q74323882
10 InterPlanetary File Systemcontent-addressable, peer-to-peer hypermedia distribution protocol23Q21422344141
11Log4Shell2021 software security vulnerability16Q11006843310
12 Common Vulnerability Scoring Systemstandard for assessing computer system vulnerabilities10Q102458221
13open-source software securitycomputer security applied to open source software3Q70964212
14algorithmic transparencystudy on the transparency of algorithms3Q556036243
15diversity in open source softwarediversity in an interest group2Q303255702
Σautolist gallery timeline15221126251611104102103912771351011913241111043841821111124231111511561362253271033210112571221112117546692521611021253814411522avg.:  1 \ 35
(8 %)

See also
