WMUGU GLAM-Wiki/GLAM Microgrant 2023/Proposal:what specific are we going to do here



Please provide the following information for your micro-grant request:

Username :


Country of residence :


Contact email : mulindwadedenis@gmail.com

Have you participated in any GLAM activity before (e.g #1Lib1Ref,Museums Day)? (Answer Yes or No)




Please provide the following information about your proposed activity:

Planned activity
(Please give an outline of what your idea is about.Who are your audience? What gap are you filling? What do you intend to achieve?)
creating an online museums, galleries and digital libaries. students teachers researchers children.

current awereness and publicity of online museums, galleries and flexible online libraries accessed at any time.

People involved
(e.g. Will you be working alone or with a team? Who are they and what are their responsibilities?You can give their username(s)):


Which Wikimedia Projects will you be contributing to?
(e.g. English Wikipedia, Wikidata , Commons etc):

wikipedia commons

How will you conduct your activity(s)
(e.g. How long will this take? Will engagements be virtual or in-person? What kind of events will you host? How many?):

it will take two months it will be in person.

Please explain what influence your activity will have on Wikimedia Projects
(e.g. Quantitative: number of new pictures uploaded to Commons, Number of new articles created/improved on Wikipedia/ Number of items created/improved on Wikidata ; Qualitative: skill the community of volunteers in Uganda ):

Proposed budget


Please use a table to provide estimated figures/costs in UGX