Wikidata Integrations Team

This list of frequently asked questions about Wikidata integrations is a living document. We encourage community members to contribute.

Recurring Questions:

What is the difference between Wikidata and Wikidata Integrations?


Both the Wikidata team and the Wikidata Integrations team are independent teams within the software development department of Wikimedia Deutschland. Although our projects are often closely-aligned, our team exists to free up resources for the Wikidata team to focus solely on development of Wikidata. We, however, will specifically examine how Wikidata's data and functionality are reused across Wikimedia sibling projects.

What type of integrations will this team work on?


This will be determined by our research project. There are many potential opportunities which we must assess against our resource constraints, align with the goals of Wikidata development plan, LOD strategy, the Movement Strategy 2030 and WMDE's Strategic Direction 2030.

Some potential areas we could work in are:

  • Adoption and/or maintenance of user-scripts, gadgets, and community-created tools
  • Finding ways to reduce technical complexity in workflows where Wikidata is being reused.

What integrations will not be worked on?


Unfortunately, our team will not work on any integrations outside of the Wikimedia Projects. Technical or resource limitations may mean some projects are unfeasible, just as the impact or cost versus expected benefit.

Where can I report issues or problems with Wikidata?


Where can I report issues or problems with a Wikidata integration?


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