A proposal to move this page to MediaWiki.org was rejected.

This is a little Mediawiki Extension to include Flickr thumbnails. This first example gets the X most interesting pictures (yes, Flickr really sorts like "sort"=>"interestingness-desc", by the users rating) for the tag you specify. You can use this to put some related pictures on Wiki pages that dont have pictures yet very quickly.

Typing something like:

<flickr limit=5>Fnord</flickr>

on a wiki page will insert the 5 most interesting pictures found for the keyword/tag 'fnord'.

Optionally you can use limit to change the amount of thumbnails being shown, the maximum for tag-length is 255 chars and the maximum for limit is 10.

This is possible due to using a) the Flickr API, b) phpFlickr, c) the Debian PHP-Pear packages and d) a nice article in the latest iX (german) magazine, issue July 2006, p. 62 called "Bildergeflimmer". We could call this a Flickr->Mediawiki Mashup (->same iX issue, p. 55).


# Flickr > Mediawiki MashUp Test 
# by mutante from http://s23.org/wiki
# inspired by "iX" magazine issue July 2006, p.62  article "Bildergeflimmer"

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFlickrExtension";

# extension hook callback function from mediawiki

function wfFlickrExtension() {
global $wgParser;
$wgParser->setHook( "flickr", "renderFlickr" );

function renderFlickr( $input, $argv ) {
global $wgOutputEncoding;

# How many pictures to show , limit < 10

if (is_numeric($argv["limit"]) && $argv["limit"]>=0 && $argv["limit"] <=11) {
} else {

# just in case
$input = mysql_escape_string($input);

# If not too long, set Input Text as Tag

if (!is_string($input) || strlen($input)>255) {
} else {


$f = new phpFlickr("<Your FlickrAPI key here>");

# get the X most interesting pictures for this tag
$photos_interesting = $f->photos_search(array("tags"=>"$tag", "sort"=>"interestingness-desc","per_page"=>$limit));

# output a table with the pictures

$output.="<table><tr><td colspan='$limit'>The $limit most interesting photos from Flickr for the tag <b>'$tag'</b></td></tr><$
foreach ($photos_interesting['photo'] as $photo) {
$output.="<td><img border='0' alt='$photo[title]' " . " src=". $f->buildPhotoURL($photo, "Square") . "></td>";

return $output;

As always, this is just a quick example, and can be heavily extended. Feel free to do so.