User:Mr. Ibrahem/ArticleTranslator2.js

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// __NOINDEX__ DO NOT COPY IT FOR TRANSLATION, READ THE DOCUMENTATION [[:en:User talk:Ebraminio/ArticleTranslator.js]]
/*jslint browser: true, regexp: true, unparam: true, white: true*/
/*global jQuery, mediaWiki*/
(function ($, mw) {
	'use strict';
	var translationTextArea,
		conf = {
			'homeWiki': 'ar',
			'fromLang': mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage'),
			'translatorBarFormat': '$1translate$2 links from $3 to $4 ($5)',
			'templateTranslatorText': 'Template tra...',
			'removeLinksAliasesText': 'Remove Links Ali..',
			'doneText': 'Done!',
			'enableTemplateTranslation': true,
			'removeLinksAliases': true,
			'enableNeedingShow': false,
			'name': 'Name',
			'interwikiCount': 'Interwiki Count',
			'linkedTo': 'Linked to',
			'listOfUnavailablePagesOn': 'List of not available pages on',
			'dont_translate_templates': ["nobots", "ili", "bots"],
			'definedTemplatesfortemplates': ["t", "T", "tl", "Tl", "قا", "tlx", "Tlx"],
			'definedTemplates': ["Portal", "About", "ADB", "Alsoknown", "Alternateuses", "Cat main", "Cat main article", "Category disambiguation", "Category main", "Catmain", "Consider disambiguation", "Contrast", "Dabprefixes", "Detail", "Details", "Disambiguation needed", "Distinguish", "Distinguish2", "For", "For other uses", "For2", "In title", "Introductory article", "Look from", "Main", "Main cat", "Main category", "Maincat", "More", "Moredetails", "Navbox hatnote *Templates", "Other", "Other hurricanes", "Other meanings", "Other people", "Other people2", "Other people3", "Other people5", "Other places", "Other places3", "Other ships", "Other use", "Other uses", "Other uses of", "Other uses1", "Other uses2", "Other uses-section", "Othermeanings", "Otheruse", "OtherUses", "Otheruses1", "Otheruses3", "OtherusesSubtopic", "Othervalues", "Outline", "Previously", "Redirect", "Redirect10", "Redirect2", "Redirect3", "Redirect4", "Redirect6", "Redirect-distinguish2", "Redirect-synonym", "See introduction", "See Wiktionary", "Seesubarticle", "Selfref", "Srlink", "Surname links", "Technical reasons", "Template ambiguous", "Template shortcut", "This user talk", "Three other uses", "Two other uses", 
			"WikiProject Disambiguation",
				"ميز", "من أجل", "من أجل 2", "مقالة تصنيف", "مفصلة", "معلومات أكثر", "في وب", "في العنوان", "عن", "سفن أخرى", "توضيح تصنيف", "تحويل غير مباشر", "تحويل 2", "بوابة", "بداية عنوان", "بحاجة لتوضيح", "التصنيف الرئيسي", "استعمالات الأخرى", "استعمالات أخرى", "اختصار قالب", "أعاصير أخرى", "أسماء مماثلة", "آخرون"
			'blacklistedTemplatePattern': /(cite|citation|infobox)[ a-z]*/i,
			'cleaning': 'Cleaning',
			'enableCleaning': false
		action = mw.config.get('wgAction');

	$.extend(conf, window.articleTranslatorConf);

	// getting the last translator preference from the cookie
	if ($.cookie && $.cookie('homeWiki') !== null) {
		conf.homeWiki = $.cookie('homeWiki');

	if ($.cookie && $.cookie('fromLang') !== null) {
		conf.fromLang = $.cookie('fromLang');

	// from:
	function escape(text) {
		return text.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');

	function getOrigin() {
		var result = location.protocol + '//' +;
		if (location.port !== '') {
			result = result + ':' + location.port;
		return result;

	function getOriginOfWikiLang(lang) {
		return getOrigin().replace(mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage'), lang);

	function setAjaxUrl() {
		var tailOfApiUrl = '/api.php?action=query&prop=langlinks&redirects=&format=json&lllimit=500&titles=';
		if (conf.enableNeedingShow === true) {
			tailOfApiUrl = '/api.php?action=query&prop=langlinks|links&redirects=&format=json&pllimit=500&lllimit=500&titles=';
		ajaxUrl = getOriginOfWikiLang(conf.fromLang) + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + tailOfApiUrl;

	function getSelectedTextLinks() {
		// borrowed from: :)
		var selection,

		// if `window.getSelection` is not defined (on IE) return nothing.
		if (window.getSelection === undefined) {
			return [];
		selection = window.getSelection();

		// if nothing is selected, return empty array
		if (selection.isCollapsed) {
			return [];

		range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
		selectionAncestor = range.commonAncestorContainer;
		if (selectionAncestor.getElementsByTagName === undefined) { // if it is not a formal HTML selection
			return [];
		allWithinRangeParent = selectionAncestor.getElementsByTagName('a');

		return $.map(allWithinRangeParent, function (el) {
			// The second parameter says to include the element
			// even if it's not fully selected
			if (selection.containsNode(el, true)) {
				return el;

	function onFinish() {
		if (conf.enableCleaning) {
					.replace(/\]\]s/g, ']]')
					.replace(/,/g, '،')
			if (window.articleTranslatorUserImprovements) {
		$('#translatorStatus').css('font-weight', 'bold').text(conf.doneText).show('slow');
		if (conf.enableNeedingShow) {
			var links = [],
				titleExistance = {},
			$('.translatorNeededLink').each(function (k, v) {
				title = $(v).attr('data-title');
				if (titleExistance[title] === true) {
				titleExistance[title] = true;
				linksCount = $(v).attr('data-links-to-count');
				if (parseInt(linksCount, 10) === 500) {
					linksCount = '500+';
				links.push([title, parseInt($(v).attr('data-interwikis'), 10), linksCount]);
			links = links.sort(function (x, y) { return y[1] - x[1]; });
			result = '<table class="wikitable sortable"><tr><th>' + + '</th><th>' + conf.interwikiCount + '</th><th>' + conf.linkedTo + '</th></tr>' + (x) { return '<tr><td>' + x[0] + '</td><td>' + x[1] + '</td><td>' + x[2] + '</tr>'; }).join('') + '</table>';
			$('<div style="line-height: 1.25; font-size: 50%;" id="translatorPlusContainer">' + conf.listOfUnavailablePagesOn + ' ' + conf.homeWiki + '.wiki:\n<div style="height: 10em; overflow-y: scroll;">' + result + '</div></div>').insertAfter('#translatorBar');

	function increaseProgressCount() {
		progressCount = progressCount + 1;
		$('#translatorProgress').attr('value', progressCount);
		if (progressCount === itemsCount) {

	function queryTranslationFromData(data) {
		var languageLinks,
			linksToCount = 0,

		if (data.query === undefined || data.query.pages === undefined) {
			return null;
		$.each(data.query.pages, function (key, value) { // for retrieving first object index
			languageLinks = value.langlinks;
			if (value.links !== undefined) {
				linksToCount = value.links.length;
		if (languageLinks === undefined) {
			return null;
		$.each(languageLinks, function (key, value) { // we can also use .filter here
			if (value.lang === conf.homeWiki) {
				translation = value['*'];
		return {
			translation: translation,
			linksToCount: linksToCount,
			interwikis: languageLinks.length

	function commonAjaxRunner(title, translatorFunction) {
			url: ajaxUrl + encodeURIComponent(title),
			complete: function () {
			success: function (data) {
				var translation = queryTranslationFromData(data);
				if (translation !== null) {
			dataType: 'jsonp'

	function addTranslationToNode(node, translation) {
		if (translation.translation !== undefined) {
			node.after('<span class="translatorAddedcontent">(<bdi><a lang="' + conf.homeWiki + '" href="' + getOriginOfWikiLang(conf.homeWiki) + mw.util.getUrl(translation.translation) + '">' + translation.translation + '</a></bdi>)</span>');
		} else if (conf.enableNeedingShow === true) {
			node.after('<span class="translatorAddedcontent">(<span style="color: red;" class="translatorNeededLink" data-title="' + node.attr('title') + '" data-interwikis="' + translation.interwikis + '" data-links-to-count="' + translation.linksToCount + '">' + translation.interwikis + '</span>)</span>');

	function translateFromLanguageLinkNode(title, node) {
		commonAjaxRunner(title, function (translation) {
			addTranslationToNode(node, translation);

        function containsPersianChar(str) {
                return /[كککککككككىىيہەھى-يً-ِْٰء-ٕپچژگکكڪككیيئ۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰]/.test(str);

	// for [[Link]]s in textareas
	function addTranslationToTextareaLink(title, translation) {
		if (conf.homeWiki === 'fa' && containsPersianChar(title))

			new RegExp('(\\[\\[:?)' + escape(title) + '((?:\\|[^\\]]*)?)(\\]\\])'),
			'$1' + translation + (conf.removeLinksAliases ? '' : '$2') + '$3'

	function translateFromLanguageLinks(title) {
		commonAjaxRunner(title, function (translation) {
			if (translation.translation !== undefined) {
				addTranslationToTextareaLink(title, translation.translation);

	// for {{template|Link}} in textareas
	function addTranslationToTextareaLinksInTemplate(title, translation) {
		var i, definedTemplate;
		for (i = 0; i < definedTemplateList.length; i = i + 1) {
			definedTemplate = definedTemplateList[i];
				new RegExp('(\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?)' + definedTemplate + '\\|' + escape(title) + '([\\|\\}])'),
				'$1' + definedTemplate + '|' + translation + '$2'
		// for {{template|Link}} in textareas
	function addTranslationToTextareaLinksInTemplate1(title, translation) {
		var i, definedTemplate;
		for (i = 0; i < refinedTemplateList.length; i = i + 1) {
			definedTemplate = refinedTemplateList[i];
				new RegExp('(\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?)' + definedTemplate + '\\|' + escape('Template:' + title) + '([\\|\\}])'),
				'$1' + definedTemplate + '|' + translation + '$2'

	function translateFromLanguageLinksInTemplate(title) {
		commonAjaxRunner(title, function (translation) {
			if (translation.translation !== undefined) {
				addTranslationToTextareaLinksInTemplate(title, translation.translation);

	function translateFromLanguageLinksInTemplate1(title) {
		commonAjaxRunner(title, function (translation) {
			if (translation.translation !== undefined) {
				addTranslationToTextareaLinksInTemplate1(title, translation.translation);

	// for {{TemplateLink}}s in textareas
	function addTranslationToTextareaTemplateLink(title, translation) {
		if (conf.homeWiki === 'fa' && containsPersianChar(title))

			new RegExp('(\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?)' + escape(title) + '([\\n\\|\\}])'),
			'$1' + translation + '$2'
    function translateFromLanguageTemplateLinks(title) {
        // Check if the title is in the exclusion list
        if (conf.dont_translate_templates.includes(title)) {
            // Title is in the exclusion list, so do nothing
        commonAjaxRunner('Template:' + title, function (translation) {
            if (translation.translation !== undefined) {
                addTranslationToTextareaTemplateLink(title, translation.translation.replace(/^.*?:/, ''));

	function parseUrl(url) {
		if (url === undefined) {
			return undefined;
		var match = url.match(/\/wiki\/([^#]*)/);
		if (match === null) {
			match = url.match(/\/w\/index\.php\?title=([^&#]*).*redlink=1/);

		if (match !== null) {
			return decodeURI(match[1]); // returns () matched text
		return undefined;

	function getLinkTitle(link) { // previously it was link.attr("title")
		return parseUrl(link.attr('href'));

	function run() {
		progressCount = 0;
		itemsCount = 0;

		var links,

		if (action === 'view' || action === 'purge' || action === 'historysubmit') {
			links = getSelectedTextLinks();
			if (links.length === 0) {
				links = $('#bodyContent a');

			$(links).each(function () {
				var iter = $(this),
					linkTitle = getLinkTitle(iter);
				if (linkTitle !== undefined) {
					itemsCount = itemsCount + 1;
					translateFromLanguageLinkNode(linkTitle, iter);

			$('#translatorProgress').show().attr('max', itemsCount);

		} else if (action === 'edit' || action === 'submit') {
			$('#wpTextbox2').remove(); // remove translation textarea if exists

			if (conf.fromLang === mw.config.get('wgPageContentLanguage')) {
				translationTextArea = $('#wpTextbox1').clone().attr({
					'id': 'wpTextbox2'
				}).css({ // new color for translation textarea
					'background-color': '#CCCEFF'
				}).val($('#wpTextbox1').val()); // this something that clone must do
				$('#wpTextbox1').before(translationTextArea); // put translation textarea before old
			} else {
				translationTextArea = $('#wpTextbox1');
			definedTemplateList = [];
			// for pre-defined templates
			for (i = 0; i < conf.definedTemplates.length; i = i + 1) {
				if (translationTextArea.val().replace(
						new RegExp("\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?" + conf.definedTemplates[i] + "\\|", "g"),
					) !== translationTextArea.val()) {
				if (translationTextArea.val().replace(// for LowerCase templates
						new RegExp("\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?" + conf.definedTemplates[i].toLowerCase() + "\\|", "g"),
					) !== translationTextArea.val()) {
			refinedTemplateList = [];
			// for pre-defined templates
			for (i = 0; i < conf.definedTemplatesfortemplates.length; i = i + 1) {
				if (translationTextArea.val().replace(
						new RegExp("\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?" + conf.definedTemplatesfortemplates[i] + "\\|", "g"),""
					) !== translationTextArea.val()) {
				if (translationTextArea.val().replace(// for LowerCase templates
						new RegExp("\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?" + conf.definedTemplatesfortemplates[i].toLowerCase() + "\\|", "g"),
					) !== translationTextArea.val()) {
			// for links
			links = translationTextArea.val().match(/\[\[.*?\]\]/g);
			templates = translationTextArea.val().match(/\{\{.*?[\n\|\}]/g);
			if (templates !== null) {
				templates = templates.filter(function (x) {
					return !conf.blacklistedTemplatePattern.test(x);
			linkedInTemplates = translationTextArea.val().match(/\{\{.*?\}\}/g);
			itemsCount = -1;
			if (links !== null) {
				for (i = 0; i < links.length; i = i + 1) { // equals with <code>for (i in matched)</code>
					title = links[i].replace(/\[\[:?([^\]\|]*)\|?.*?\]\]/g, "$1");

				if (itemsCount === -1) {
					itemsCount = 0;

				itemsCount = itemsCount + links.length;
			// for LinkedInTemplates

			if (linkedInTemplates !== null && definedTemplateList.length !== 0) {
				for (i = 0; i < linkedInTemplates.length; i = i + 1) { // equals with <code>for (i in matched)</code>
					for (a = 0; a < definedTemplateList.length; a = a + 1) {
						linkInTemplate = linkedInTemplates[i].replace(
							new RegExp("\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?" + definedTemplateList[a] + "\\|(.*)\\s*[\\n\\|\\}]", "g"),
						linkInTemplate = linkInTemplate.replace('}', '');
						linkInTemplate = linkInTemplate.replace('|', '');
						if (linkInTemplate.replace('{', '') === linkInTemplate) {
							translateFromLanguageLinksInTemplate(linkInTemplate); //for translating links inside defined-templates {{defined-template|link}}

				if (itemsCount === -1) {
					itemsCount = 0;

				itemsCount = itemsCount + definedTemplateList.length;
			// for LinkedInTemplates22

			if (linkedInTemplates !== null && refinedTemplateList.length !== 0) {
				for (i = 0; i < linkedInTemplates.length; i = i + 1) { // equals with <code>for (i in matched)</code>
					for (a = 0; a < refinedTemplateList.length; a = a + 1) {
						linkInTemplate = linkedInTemplates[i].replace(
							new RegExp("\\{\\{\\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?" + refinedTemplateList[a] + "\\|(.*)\\s*[\\n\\|\\}]", "g"),
						linkInTemplate = linkInTemplate.replace('}', '');
						linkInTemplate = linkInTemplate.replace('|', '');
						if (linkInTemplate.replace('{', '') === linkInTemplate) {
							translateFromLanguageLinksInTemplate1(linkInTemplate); //for translating links inside defined-templates {{defined-template|link}}

				if (itemsCount === -1) {
					itemsCount = 0;

				itemsCount = itemsCount + refinedTemplateList.length;
			//for Templates	
			if (templates !== null && conf.enableTemplateTranslation === true) {
				for (i = 0; i < templates.length; i = i + 1) { // equals with <code>for (i in matched)</code>
					title = templates[i].replace(/\{\{\s*(?:[Tt]emplate:)?(.*)\s*[\n\|\}]/g, '$1');

				if (itemsCount === -1) {
					itemsCount = 0;

				itemsCount = itemsCount + templates.length;

			if (itemsCount !== -1) {
				$('#translatorProgress').show().attr('max', itemsCount);

	function initiateEditor(forEditable, inputForEditable, setVariableClosure) {
		$(forEditable).click(function (event) {
			$(inputForEditable).css('width', '2em').show().val($(forEditable).text());

		$(inputForEditable).keyup(function (event) {
			var selectedLanugage = $(this).val();

			if (event.keyCode === 13) {
				$(this).focusout(); // on enter
			} else if (event.keyCode === 27) {
				$(forEditable).show(); // on escape

		}).focusout(function () {
			var selectedLanugage = $(this).val();

			if (/...?/.test(selectedLanugage)) {

	function translator2Edit() {
		var links = ($('#wpTextbox1').val().match(/\[\[.*?\]\]/g) || []).map(function (x) { return x.split('[[')[1].split(/[\|\]]/)[0]; });
		$.post('//', {
			p: links,
			from: conf.fromLang,
			to: conf.homeWiki
		}).then(function (result) {
			var raw = $('#wpTextbox1').val();
			if (raw.match(/\{\{(Navbox|Sidebar|Campaignbox)/)) {
				raw = raw.replace(/(\|\s*name\s*=\s*)([^\n\|\}]*)/, '$1' + mw.config.get('wgTitle'));
			Object.keys(result).forEach(function (from) {
				raw = raw.replace(
					new RegExp('(\\[\\[:?)' + escape(from) + '((?:\\|[^\\]]*)?)(\\]\\])', 'g'),
					'$1' + result[from] + '$3'

	function translator2View() {
		var titles = {};
		$('#bodyContent a').get().forEach(function (x) {
			var title = x.title;
			if (title) {
				titles[title] = true;
		titles = Object.keys(titles);
		$.post('//', {
			p: titles,
			from: conf.fromLang,
			to: conf.homeWiki
		}).then(function (result) {
			Object.keys(result).forEach(function (from) {
				var to = result[from];
				$('a[title="' + from + '"]').after(
					'<span class="translatorAddedcontent">(<bdi><a lang="' + conf.homeWiki + '"' +
					' href="//' + conf.homeWiki + '' +
					mw.util.getUrl(to) + '">' + to + '</a></bdi>)</span>'

	$(function () {

		// HTML Builder
		var hb = [],
			bar = conf.translatorBarFormat;

		hb.push('<span style="font-size: 40%; margin: 0 2em; unicode-bidi: -webkit-isolate; unicode-bidi: -moz-isolate; unicode-bidi: isolate; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none;" id="translatorBar" class="noprint">');

		bar = bar.replace('$1', '<sub><a id="translator-equ" href="#">=</a><span id="translator-equ-links"></sub><a id="translator-button" href="#">');
		bar = bar.replace('$2', '</a><sup><a id="translator-plus" href="#">+</a></sup> <a id="translator2" href="#">!!</a>');
		bar = bar.replace('$3', '<a id="translator-from" href="#">' + conf.fromLang + '</a><input style="display: none" id="translator-from-input">');
		bar = bar.replace('$4', '<a id="translator-to" href="#">' + conf.homeWiki + '</a><input style="display: none" id="translator-to-input">');
		bar = bar.replace('$5', '<a id="translator-switch" href="$">-</a>');


		if (action === "edit" || action === "submit") {
			hb.push(' <input type="checkbox" name="enableTemplateTranslation" id="enableTemplateTranslation"><label for="enableTemplateTranslation">' + conf.templateTranslatorText + '</label>');
			hb.push(' <input type="checkbox" name="removeLinksAliases" id="removeLinksAliases"><label for="removeLinksAliases">' + conf.removeLinksAliasesText + '</label>');
			hb.push(' <input type="checkbox" name="enableCleaning" id="enableCleaning"><label for="enableCleaning" title="Persian related and user defined needed cleanups">' + + '</label>');

		hb.push('&nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="translatorStatus"><progress id="translatorProgress" style="display: none;">In progress...</progress></span>');


		$('#translator-button').click(function (event) {
			conf.enableNeedingShow = false;
		$('#translator2').click(function (event) {
			if (action === 'edit' || action === 'submit') {
			} else {

		$('#translator-equ').click(function (event) {
			var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
				'<a target="_blank" href="//' + conf.fromLang + '&tl=' + conf.homeWiki + '&q=' + title + '">Translator</a> / ' +
				'<a target="_blank" href=\'//"' + encodeURI(title) + '"&lr=lang_' + conf.homeWiki + '\'>Specific Language Search</a> / ' +
				'<a target="_blank" href=\'\'>Bing Translator</a>');
			conf.fromLang === 'en' && $('#translator-equ-links').append(': ', [
				['🇬🇧 👨 ', 'locale=en-GB&gender=male'],
				['🇺🇸 👨 ', 'locale=en-US&gender=male'],
				['🇬🇧 👩 ', 'locale=en-GB&gender=female'],
				['🇺🇸 👩 ', 'locale=en-US&gender=female']
			].map(function (x) {
				return $('<a href="#">').text(x[0]).click(function (e) {
					new Audio('' + title + '&' + x[1]).play();


		$('#translator-plus').click(function (event) {
			conf.enableNeedingShow = true;

		$('#translator-switch').click(function (event) {

			var t = conf.homeWiki;

			conf.homeWiki = conf.fromLang;
			$.cookie("homeWiki", conf.fromLang);

			conf.fromLang = t;
			$.cookie("fromLang", t);

		initiateEditor('#translator-to', '#translator-to-input', function (value) {
			conf.homeWiki = value;
			$.cookie("homeWiki", value);

		initiateEditor('#translator-from', '#translator-from-input', function (value) {
			conf.fromLang = value;
			$.cookie("fromLang", value);

		$('#enableTemplateTranslation').attr('checked', conf.enableTemplateTranslation).click(function () {
			conf.enableTemplateTranslation = this.checked;

		$('#removeLinksAliases').attr('checked', conf.removeLinksAliases).click(function () {
			conf.removeLinksAliases = this.checked;

		if (action === 'edit' || action === 'submit') {
			$('#enableCleaning').attr('checked', conf.enableCleaning).click(function () {
				conf.enableCleaning = this.checked;
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));