klumsy i got a question.. i'm making a POST a comment page on a locked page.. so basically its working easily as i just include in the main page {{talk:main_page}}.. however as the main page is locked, this cxan't be edited, i basically want to do a link to what the + link in the discussion page does klumsy however not sure on how to do such a link klumsy on http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Talk_page it says you can't do this other than using a full URL such as http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Sandbox&action=edit&section=new , is this still true, has anybody made an extention of sorts? klumsy well i doubt i'll be making an base changes anytime soon, just start with some extentions klumsy but not sure how to best proceed with achieving my desire.. that is to allow users to easily add comments to a locked page (doing it via the talk page which is then included in the main page with {{talk:Main_page}} klumsy including it is fine.. its just making a link or way for users to add a new comment that i got a prob with, only way it seems it to provide a complete URL with the action edit for new section klumsy thinking maybe i could write an extention say <comments>Main_Page</comments> which automatically does the {{Talk:Main_page}} and well as puts the link in, but maybe even better, it has a textarea and button, and submits the new section itself. klumsy hey brion, i'm trying to set up a way to easily comment on a locked page, (where the comments are appended on the bottom on the lock page).. i'm using talk pages, so including it is easy {{Talk:Main_Page}} , and making a linnk to the talk page is easy, however i want to make it a linnk to automatically add a new section like when you click the + klumsy however it seems i can only do that with an "external" complete URL brion klumsy, right. klumsy and then that edit page doesn't contain an easy link back to the main page does it?.. klumsy anyhow i'm looking at the editpage class in editPage.php , and wonder if i can make an extention that would include a textarea that hte ocmment can be written and by calling some class methods myself submit the comment as a new section on the talk page? klumsy so basically in the wiki text you could have <comments>main_page</comments> and that would produce {{Talk:main_page}} and a textarea and button, and when the button is clicked whatever was in the textarea would be submitted as a newsection on the talk page klumsy does that sound like a feasible and sensible architecture or not? klumsy brion , i don't want to be a pain, just anxious to start writing this extention and want to know if this what i said was not utterly stupid, and is possibly feasible - (basically i want to know if (and how) i can submit a new section for talk article from my own textarea (not using the editpage) brion klumsy, you'd have to replicate the edit page form basically. use the same fields, same action url, and you'll have to use the hidden edittoken field as it does. brion but yes it can be done klumsy ok, theres alot of code(logic) in that editpage then, which if i didn't keep in sync , would get quite obsolete wouldn't it, so probably not a good idea brion not that complicated. klumsy so i wouldn't have to replicate all the logic (i.e the verifying of the user, banned yada yada?) brion no, just have to make the form, then have it submit to the regular place. klumsy and where would the regular place be, the editpage class? brion the form submits to a url brion the url will point to the regular edit page brion the url will be the same url that the regular edit page uses in its form brion thus it will go to the same place (ie, not your code but the existing code) on submission klumsy so basically i am making an alternative to the EditForm function? brion sure if you like klumsy any security issues do you forsee doing this.. (so basically i can just make a form that is right, and have the button subit submit to the current edit page.. after it is submitted where will the page be redirected to? to the talk page, or the main page that i was on? |<-- SB|Sleep has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) brion to the talk page. klumsy brion, well if it forwards to the talk page, i suppose there isn't much point in my whole plugin, so maybe i'll come from another angle.. i'm happy with just supplying the external URL to doaction=edit&section= new , but i suppose i need to things, in my extention can i find out where the URL is to the edit page (so it doesn't have to be hard coded), and 2) can i get rid of that external URL logo brion klumsy, {{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit&section=new}} klumsy brion, thankyou.