User:Kate/Q4 hardware order proposal
Proposal for hardware to keep the site working well during Q4 of 2005:
- 100 x Apache / application server system:
- 2x Opteron 248 / 2GB = $2,376 x 100 = $237,600
- 5 x Database server:
- 2x Opteron 275 / 16GB / 450GB = $12,480 x 5 = $62,400
- 3 x Cisco C2948G-GE switch: $2,500 x 3 = $7,500
- 1 x Image storage server: price TBD (approx $6k?)
- 5 x Squid: 2.8GHz Opteron, 4GB, 2 x 80GB SATA: $2,831 x 5 = $14,155
= $327,655