


The end of FY2013-14 marked the end of the second full year of operating in our (WMF's) comprehensive grantmaking programs (IEG + PEG + APG + TPS), and was the first year in which we received end of grant reports from all the programs. This report reviews our key findings from these reports and other observation studies.

We intentionally set up our grantmaking to build baselines and comparative structures to inform our movement roles and funds distribution work going forward. Specifically:

  1. We have experimented funding different types of grantees: individuals, groups, chapters, thematic organizations, and external organizations
  2. We have also experimented with funding projects at different stages of development: seeding new ideas or people/groups, growing existing ideas and people/groups, and expanding larger program
  3. Given reporting structures and timing, our data is always delayed, but we have a baseline now which we never had before, as well as some comparison data across strategies

Summary of learnings

  1. building a pipeline of ideas and a system for collaboration creates better grants
  2. strongest grants had clear demonstrations of scale
  3. Wikimedia organizations are being funded disproportionately to impact
  4. Grantees are largely not focusing on high impact areas
  5. Involving the community in the evaluation of grants leads to greater buy-in and understanding within the community on impact

Detailed Learnings


Related Learning Patterns:


Resources and further information
