
Copy and paste these code snippets to your custom JavaScript or custom CSS.

My Gadgets edit

Subpages edit

Adds a "Subpages" link to the page actions that shows subpages of the current page.


Gadgets I Use edit

ArchiveLinks edit

Adds an [archive] link next to links in References that points to a cached version of the target page.


Comments in Local Time edit

Turns useless UTC timestamps into your local time

mw.loader.load('// in local time.js.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');
//My settings
LocalComments =
	dateFormat: 'ymd',
	dayOfWeek: false,
	timeFirst: false,
	twentyFourHours: true

markblocked edit

Strike out usernames that have been blocked


Page Purge edit

Adds Purge to the page actions that, uh, purges the page.

mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.notify']).done(function ()

QuickEditCounter edit

Displays on user pages (and subpages) the amount of edits said user has made


Reference Tooltips edit

Displays tooltips for references (duh)

mw.loader.load('//', 'text/css');

Search results in new tab edit

Pressing Ctrl or Command while clicking the search icon will open results in a new tab


Syntax highlighter edit

Highlights wikitext syntax in the editor.


ThreadedDiscussions edit

Adds alternating color to horrid non-Flow talk pages to make individual comments easier to see.

mw.loader.load('//', 'text/css');

Or if you prefer to add this to your custom CSS:

@import "//";

wikEdDiff edit

Adds a delta button on diff pages that shows changes inline, sort of like how Google Docs does it.
