
Gadget is discontinued.

Spellchecker is a gadget to identify erroneous terms and provide corrections. It is a rework of existing code, where the main idea is to utilize the local storage for lookup. Later on w:Indexed Database API will be used, but it is still not clear how it should be updated. A core problem is how to inflect the terms effectively to get a common base form, as that is necessary to make a fast and efficient lookup.

The purpose of this gadget is to be a functional demo of how to identify and find the misspelled terms. It is the result of a prolonged spike, and it is somewhat bogus. It lacks a whole lot of refactoring.

There is a single script page User:Jeblad/spellchecker/script.js, and it refers a config page through misspell config (Q53648436), that is it finds w:no:Wikipedia:Språkfeil/misspell-config.json. That page further refers affix pages and term pages by page ids. At nowiki they are w:no:Wikipedia:Språkfeil/Enheter.json (1600326) and w:no:Wikipedia:Språkfeil/Terms.json (1600320)

Forskrift om målenheter og måling, about local units in Norway