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   This script adds Contributions and Statistics tabs to User and User talk pages. For Vector skin. 
   Stolen from User:Equazcion and used shamelessly under CC-BY-SA.
   Original documentation:
// Get wiki-specific information
if(mw.config.exists('wgServer')) {
   var server = mw.config.get('wgServer');
   var langCode = server.substring(2, server.indexOf('.', 2));
   var wikiCode = server.substring(2 + langCode.length + 1, server.indexOf('.org'));
function addContribTools(username, omitContribs) {
  var contribsTabName = "Contr";
  var centralAuthTabName = "CAuth";
  var luxoTabName = "Luxo";
  // Grab leftmost tab
  var contribsTabMain = $('#left-navigation li').slice(0,1).css('opacity','0.9');
  // Contributions tab
  var tabContribs = contribsTabMain.clone(true).attr('id', contribsTabMain.attr('id')+'-').css('opacity','0.9').removeClass('new').removeClass('selected');
  var contribsTabURL = '//' + langCode + '.' + wikiCode + '.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + username;
  tabContribs.find('a').attr('href', contribsTabURL).empty().text(contribsTabName).attr('title', "Show this user's contributions");
  // CentralAuth tab
  var centralAuthTab = contribsTabMain.clone(true).attr('id', contribsTabMain.attr('id')+'-').css('opacity','0.9').removeClass('new').removeClass('selected');
  var centralAuthTabURL = '//' + username;
  centralAuthTab.find('a').attr('href', centralAuthTabURL).empty().text(centralAuthTabName).attr('title', "Show this user's CentralAuth info");

  // Luxo tab
  var luxoTab = contribsTabMain.clone(true).attr('id', contribsTabMain.attr('id')+'-').css('opacity','0.9').removeClass('new').removeClass('selected');
  var luxoTabURL = '' + username;
  luxoTab.find('a').attr('href', luxoTabURL).empty().text(luxoTabName).attr('title', "Show this user's global contributions");
  // Place constructed tabs before the first right-hand tab (done here for easy ordering)
  var lefts = $('#left-navigation li');
  if(!omitContribs) tabContribs.insertBefore(luxoTab);

  // Add less often needed contribution tools to sidebar toolbox.
  mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '' + username + '&lang=' + langCode + '&wiki=' + wikiCode, 'X!\'s tool', 't-soxred', 'X!\'s tool', '', document.getElementById('t-log'));
  mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', '' + username + '&allwikis=on', 'MoreContributions', 't-krinkle','MoreContributions', '', document.getElementById('t-soxred'));

if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == 'User' || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') == 'User_talk') {
  addContribTools(wgTitle.split("/")[0], false);
if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == 'Contributions' && document.getElementsByName('target').length > 0) {
  addContribTools(document.getElementsByName('target')[0].value, true);