
HermesBot currently delivers the signpost to two wikis, wikinews and commons. To avoid running all the various processes, one script/file is used to run everything. The bot makes use of the DotNetWikiBot framework, which is written in C#. The system is shown below:
   ---------------------------------------Deliver.exe ---------------------------------------------------------
  |                  |              |          |                    |                 |                       |
  |                  |              |          |                    |                 |                       |
  |                  |     wikinews.exe (1)   commons.exe (1)       |                 |                       |
  |                  |                                    commonslinks.exe (2)      wikibookslinks.exe (2)   meta.exe (1)
 metalinks.exe (2)  wikibooks.exe (1)                                                     
(1) by the file means the process reads from signpost.txt, this means I only have to change this file each time instead of updating   
 each source

(2) by the file means the process reads from signpostlinks.txt

After updating signpost.txt, I run deliver.exe. This delivers the signpost to all users who are signed up. signpostlinks.txt 
doesn't ever need to be updated because it simply delivers the same notification every time it is run.