User:Fish bowl/wikisource.css

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.pagetext { max-width: none; } /* why restrict this? */

/* compact */
.prp-page-container { height: 100vh !important; } /* inline CSS added by JS that adds height: (taller than viewport). why?? */
.prp-page-image-openseadragon-horizontal.prp-layout-is-horizontal ~ #editform .prp-page-container { height: 66vh !important; }
.prp-page-image-openseadragon-horizontal.prp-layout-is-horizontal ~ #editform .wikiEditor-ui-toolbar { display: none; }
#editform .prp-page-edit-body { overflow: hidden; } /* the rows="" attribute otherwise forces a minimum height that surpasses 100vh when zoomed in (?) */
.prp-page-content label { display: none !important; }
.prp-quality-radio {
	border: none;
	box-shadow: none;
	border-radius: 0;
	line-height: 1;
	margin: 0;
	border: .25em solid transparent;

/* empty header/footer is out of sight (accessible via tab) */
.prp-page-edit-header, .prp-page-edit-footer { flex: 0; }
.prp-page-edit-header textarea:empty:not(:focus), .prp-page-edit-footer textarea:empty:not(:focus) {
	max-block-size: 0;

/* keep tall images within the screen */
.prp-page-image { max-height: 100vh; overflow-y: scroll; }

/* keep tall text within the screen, too. else how can i compare the text and the image */
.prp-page-content { max-height: 100vh; overflow-y: scroll; }

/* unbreak image zooming */ .monobook-body .prp-page-image img {
	max-width: unset !important;
.prp-page-image-openseadragon-vertical { height: 100% !important; }

/* resizable left side */
.prp-page-content { flex: unset; width: 40%; resize: horizontal; padding-right: 0; }
.prp-page-content textarea { resize: none; }
.prp-page-image { padding-left: 0; }
.action-view .prp-page-content { width: 50%; }
.prp-layout-is-horizontal .prp-page-content { width: 100%; }

/* distinguish head-body-footer on action=edit */
.prp-page-edit-header textarea, .prp-page-edit-footer textarea {
	background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

/* pad bottom to let text scroll to the edge */
.prp-page-container #wpTextbox1 {
	padding-block-end: 100%;