User:Euroflux/French engineers by corps, by school, by specialty - Multilingual interwiki categorization

This is an attempt to categorize in an interwiki perspective French engineers according to

  1. the Corps (Mines, Ponts, Télécom, Armement, GREF, INSEE)
  2. the Alma Mater (Polytechnique, Centrale, Mines, Ponts, Télécom, Supélec, Supaéro, ENSTA, Arts et Métiers,...)
  3. the specialty (aerospace, materials, mechanics, nuclear, telecommunications, agronomy, economics).

A "French engineer" is a person who has or had a strong interaction with "French engineering". Wernher von Braunis considered a German engineer + an American engineer, no matter whether he officially obtained or not the US citizenship. Hermann Östrich is likewise a German + French engineer being the father of the famous French aircraft engine fr:ATAR. en:Alfred Belpaire, the famous locomotive engineer can be regarded as a "French engineer" ; he was a Walloon (ethnical French from Belgium) but he did his whole engineering training at en:Ecole Centrale Paris.

The pages (categories and articles) written in bold + italics characters have been created by me or are in the process of creation. Some might have been destroyed, but might be created again.

Languages are given in the following order :

  1. English, French, German, Swedish, Russian,
  2. Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese,
  3. Arabic, Farsi, Urdu.

en:Maurice Allais, fr:Maurice Allais, de:Maurice Allais, es:Maurice Allais, ru:Алле, Морис, sv:Maurice Allais, zh:莫里斯·阿莱, ar:موريس آلياس, ja:モーリス・アレ