
This page contains the Chinese language file for the CommonSense tool by Duesentrieb. If you like, you can use it to provide a new translation:

  • Create a new entry on User:Duesentrieb/CommonSense#Languages, pointing to a page named like this one, but the with appropriate language code at the end.
  • Copy the messages below to that file, and start translating. When you are done, please drop a note on my talk page.
  • Remember to enclose it in <pre> and <nowiki> tags (in that order)

NOTE: if you provide an interface translation, you must grant me permission to use it under the terms of the GPL, as well as the GFDL! Please put a copyright notice to that effect at the top of the translation you are providing!

Language file for the CommonSense tool.
Copyright (C) 2005, Daniel Kinzler,
Chinese translation by User:Vipuser
This file is licensed under the GPL and the GFDL:

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
Texts.A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
Free Documentation License".

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301, USA.

$messages['db_connect_error_1']= '无法链接到 $1 的数据库';
$messages['unknown_project_error_1']= '未知项目:$1';
$messages['image_not_found_error_1']= '在 $1 找不到图片!';
$messages['no_matches_error']= '在所有指定的站点上没有找到匹配内容! 
$messages['image_load_error_2']= '从 $2 加载 $1 的信息失败!';
$messages['page_load_error_2']= 从 $2 加载 $1 的页面失败';

$messages['searching_for_categories']= '搜索类别...';
$messages['image_used_on_pages_1']= '<b>$1</b> 被以下页面使用:';
$messages['image_not_used']= '本图片没有被任何所指定的项目使用';
$messages['keywords_match_pages']= '在下列页面找到匹配内容:';
$messages['keywords_not_found']= '没有在所选项目中找到任何内容';

$messages['image_description_2']= '图像 <a href="$1">$2</a>的说明';
$messages['edit_description']= '编辑图像说明页';
$messages['use_keywords_from_description_2']= '使用 <b><a href="$1" title="Keywords: $2">图像说明页中的关键词</a></b> 来搜寻更多的分类';

$messages['nothing_found']= '没有找到任何内容。请尝试增加站点或添加关键字。';
$messages['suggested_categories']= '建议使用的分类';
$messages['suggested_galleries']= '建议使用的画廊';
$messages['explore']= '浏览';
$messages['verify_cats_text']= '请在提交前验证以上分类确实匹配图片的主题。

$messages['tag_line']= '找出维基共享资源上图片的所属类别。';
##$messages['intro_text']= 'The detection is based
##on the pages the image is used on in the wikipedia you specify. If the image is not used 
##in that wiki, this tool will not find anything. Also, it may turn up wrong or misleading 
##categories ocasionally. Very often, the categories suggested are rather broad, please try to 
##find a more specific subcategory or gallery page.';
$messages['top_help']= '请指定分类的图像或关键字(也可同时输入)。

$messages['missing_image_or_keyords_error']= '请指定一幅图像或关键字';
$messages['missing_custom_project_error']= '请指定一个搜寻计划';

$messages['set_language']= '选择语言';
$messages['project_field_help']= '你可以输入附加的维基站点(如来搜索图像或关键字,
对维基百科项目,你只需给定语言代码(例如 zh 代替。
$messages['single_wiki_help']= '输入维基项目的域名(例如来搜索图像和/或关键字;
对维基百科项目,你只需给定语言代码(例如 zh 代替。';

$messages['image_on_commons_header']= '维基共享资源上的图像';
$messages['image_in_wiki_header']= '维基站点上的图像 (可能没有上传)';

##$messages['x_largest_wikipedias_1']= '前 $1 位的维基百科站点';
$messages['all_wikipedias']= '所有维基百科站点';
##$messages['all_projects']= '所有维基站点';
$messages['custom_projects_only']= '只限我列出的项目';
$messages['projects_label']= '项目';
$messages['custom_projects_label']= '附加的';
$messages['project_selector_label']= '搜索';

$messages['scan_wiki_label']= '维基站点';

$messages['ellipsis']= '...';
##$messages['back_home']= '返回主页面';

$messages['image_label']= '图像';
$messages['keywords_label']= '关键字';

$messages['find_categories']= '搜索分类';
$messages['random_wiki_image']= '随机的图像';
$messages['random_commons_orphan']= '随机的孤立图片';

##$messages['keep_redundant_label']= '保持冗余的分类 (快速)';
$messages['bot_output_label']= '生成原始数据输出 (供机器人用)';