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 * Demo using Vue and WVUI onwiki
 * @author DannyS712
// <nowiki>
$(() => {
const VueDemo = {};
window.VueDemo = VueDemo; = function ( require ) {
	// Don't accidentally lose your work
		function ( event ) {
			event.returnValue = 'Are you sure you want to close this tab?';
		#vue-demo-component-ace-wrapper .ace_editor,
		#vue-demo-template-ace-wrapper .ace_editor,
		#vue-demo-styles-ace-wrapper .ace_editor {
		    height: 30em;
	// Expose for client side testing
	VueDemo.requireFn = require;
	var $interactiveWrapper = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-interactive' );
	$( '#mw-content-text' )
			$( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-target' ),

	var Vue = require( 'vue' );
	var VueCompositionAPI = require( '@vue/composition-api' );
	Vue.use( VueCompositionAPI );
			template: `<p>This text came from a component!</p>`
	new Vue( {
		el: '#vue-demo-target',
		components: {
			WvuiButton: require( 'wvui' ).WvuiButton
		data: function () {
			return {
				clicks: 0
		methods: {
			clickHandler: function () {
				console.log( 'Button was clicked!' );
		template: `<div>
			<h2>Stuff created in Vue:</h2>
			<wvui-button v-on:click="clickHandler">WVUI button - increment clicks</wvui-button>
			<wvui-button action="destructive" v-on:click="clicks = 0">WVUI button - reset clicks</wvui-button>
			<p>The button has been clicked: {{ clicks }} time(s).</p>
	} );

		$( '<h2>' ).text( 'Live Vue testing:' )
	var $templateInput = $( '<textarea>' )
		.attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-template-input' )
		.attr( 'rows', 10 );
	var $componentInput = $( '<textarea>' )
		.attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-component-input' )
		.attr( 'rows', 10 );
	var $stylesInput = $( '<textarea>' )
		.attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-styles-input' )
		.attr( 'rows', 10 );
	var $updateButton = $( '<button>' )
		.attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-update-result' )
		.text( 'Update output' );
	var $result = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-live-result' );
		$( '<label>' ).attr( 'for', 'vue-demo-template-input' ).text( 'Template input: (wrapped in a div, so no need to worry about only one root element)' ),
		$( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-template-ace-wrapper' ).append(
		$( '<label>' ).attr( 'for', 'vue-demo-component-input' ).text( 'Component input: (wvui components are registered globally, and the composition api can be accessed using the global `VueCompositionAPI` variable)' ),
		$( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-component-ace-wrapper' ).append(
		$( '<label>' ).attr( 'for', 'vue-demo-styles-input' ).text( 'Styles input (CSS):' ),
		$( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-styles-ace-wrapper' ).append(
		$( '<hr>' ),
		$( '<label>' ).attr( 'for', 'vue-demo-live-result' ).text( 'Result:' ),
	// Initial values, for testing and demo
	$templateInput.val( `<h2>Stuff created in Vue:</h2>
<h4>Options API example</h4>
<wvui-button v-on:click="optionsClickHandler">WVUI button - increment clicks (options)</wvui-button>
<wvui-button action="destructive" v-on:click="optionsClicks = 0">WVUI button - reset clicks (options)</wvui-button>
<p class="blue-text">The options button has been clicked: {{ optionsClicks }} time(s).</p>
<h4>Composition API example</h4>
<wvui-button v-on:click="compositionClickHandler">WVUI button - increment clicks</wvui-button>
<wvui-button action="destructive" v-on:click="compositionClicks = 0">WVUI button - reset clicks (composition)</wvui-button>
<p class="blue-text">The composition button has been clicked: {{ compositionClicks }} time(s).</p>` );
	$componentInput.val( `module.exports = {
    data: function () {
        return {
            optionsClicks: 0
	methods: {
		optionsClickHandler: function () {
			console.log( 'Options button was clicked!' );
	setup( props ) {
	    const compositionClicks = VueCompositionAPI.ref( 0 );
	    const compositionClickHandler = function () {
	        console.log( 'Composition button was clicked!' );
	    return { compositionClicks, compositionClickHandler };
};` );
	$stylesInput.val( `.blue-text {
	color: blue;
}` );
	// Set up ACE
	var ACEcomponent = ace.edit( 'vue-demo-component-input' );
	var ACEtemplate = ace.edit( 'vue-demo-template-input' );
	var ACEstyles = ace.edit( 'vue-demo-styles-input' );
	// Filter out warnings about a missing DOCTYPE tag, this isn't a full HTML
	// document but rather just a small part that is embedded (its actually not even
	// HTML but that is the closest language ACE has)
	// Attribution:
	ACEtemplate.session.on('changeAnnotation', function () {
		if ( !ACEtemplate.session.$annotations ) {
			// No annotations to filter
		ACEtemplate.session.$annotations = ACEtemplate.session.$annotations.filter(function(annotation){
			return !(/doctype first\. Expected/.test(annotation.text) || /Unexpected End of file\. Expected/.test(annotation.text));

	const styleTag = mw.loader.addStyleTag( '' );
	// Export for debugging
	VueDemo.ACEcomponent = ACEcomponent;
	VueDemo.ACEtemplate = ACEtemplate;
	VueDemo.ACEstyles = ACEstyles;
	VueDemo.styleTag = styleTag;
	// Expose to testing components (wvui can be used directly, but it is
	// also registered globally so you don't really need to)
	window.wvui = require( 'wvui' );
	window.VueCompositionAPI = VueCompositionAPI;
	VueDemo.currentApp = false;
	VueDemo.renderComponent = function () {
		// Unmount old version
		if ( VueDemo.currentApp !== false ) {
			VueDemo.currentApp = false;
		// Remove any existing rendering, and add an element to replace
			$( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'vue-demo-result-replace' )
		try {
			// Component input should set module.exports, set up module object
			// and then return the exports
			var compF = new Function( 'var module={};' + ACEcomponent.getValue() + ';return module.exports;' );
			var comp = compF();
			const templateField = '<div>' + ACEtemplate.getValue() + '</div>';
			if ( comp.template === undefined || comp.template === '' ) {
				comp.template = templateField;
			VueDemo.currentApp = Vue.createMwApp( comp );
			// register WVUI components as globally available
			Object.keys( wvui ).forEach( ( componentName ) => {
				VueDemo.currentApp.component( componentName, wvui[ componentName ] );
			} );
			VueDemo.currentInstance = VueDemo.currentApp.mount( '#vue-demo-result-replace' );
			styleTag.innerText = ACEstyles.getValue();
		} catch ( e ) {
				$( '<b>' ).text( 'Something went wrong, check the console' )
			console.error( e );
	$updateButton.on( 'click', VueDemo.renderComponent );


$( document ).ready(
	function () {
		if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) === "Special:BlankPage/VueDemo" ) {
			mw.loader.load( '//' );
				[ 'vue', 'wvui', 'mediawiki.util', '@vue/composition-api' ],
// </nowiki>