User:BhbeeX/My career goals

Embracing the Future: My Journey After Outreachy


As I begin my journey towards becoming a software engineer and AI engineer, I am fascinated by the transformative power of technology and its potential to shape the world around us. Coding has always been of interest to me, as it allows me to bring ideas to life and create something tangible. Throughout my studies, I have developed a keen interest in building websites, web applications, and mobile apps. I am also drawn to the dynamic world of artificial intelligence, where data-driven insights and machine learning algorithms play a key role in unlocking new frontiers of possibility. As an AI enthusiast, I am excited about the transformative potential of AI to revolutionize industries, automate processes, and enhance decision-making in ways previously unimaginable.

Are you looking for a job, internship, a grant, a volunteer position, or some type of other opportunity?


After Outreachy, I definitely would love to remain a "Wikimedian" and continue contributing to "Wikidata for Education". This project has grown on me.
I am looking for remote job opportunities as a Software Engineer and seeking training to become an AI expert. Additionally, I am interested in volunteering to help individuals navigate open source and become Outreachy interns. I have over six months experience of being a remote intern

What tools or skills do you have that would help you with that work?


I have Backend Engineering Skills that involve database management, data modelling, application architecture, API governance, and server-side programming using JavaScript, TypeScript, or Python. I also write client-side web apps and static websites using ReactJs.

What tools or skills would you like to learn?

  • Big data analysis.
  • Machine Learning models.
  • AI and ML services.
  • AI deployment and DevOps.
  • Mobile Application Development, Flutter.

What interpersonal skills make you a collaborative team member?

  • Respect and Courtesy: Showing respect and courtesy towards my teammates which includes being polite, acknowledging others' contributions, and valuing diversity of thought and perspective. Thereby creating a positive and inclusive team culture.
  • Accountability: Taking ownership of my responsibilities and commitments to demonstrate reliability and accountability for the team's success.
  • Flexibility: I navigate changes, challenges, and differing opinions gracefully. This enables me to compromise and find creative solutions that accommodate diverse viewpoints and contribute to the overall success of the team.

What languages do you speak, and at what school grade level?


I am proficient in the English language.