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/* eslint-env browser */
 * @fileoverview
 *   Redirect mobile-optimised pages to desktop version, unless on mobile.
 *   This is helpful for users whose browsing history is synced across devices,
 *   where browsing Wikipedia on mobile can cause mobile versions of articles to
 *   be listed as history suggestions when typing into the URL bar on desktop.
	"use strict";
	 * Return true if the hostname of the specified hostname
	 * matches a recognised MediaWiki domain, and contains a
	 * mobile subdomain named "m".
	 * @example
	 *    isMobilePage("") === true;
	 *    isMobilePage(new URL("")) === false;
	 *    isMobilePage() === true; // If running on
	 * @param {URL|Location|String} [url=window.location]
	 *    Domain name being examined. Defaults to URL of current page.
	 * @see {@linkcode|Special:UrlShortener}
	 * @return {Boolean}
	 * @internal
	function isMobilePage(url){
		if(arguments.length < 1)
			url = window.location;
		url = url instanceof window.Location || url instanceof URL
			? url.hostname
			: String(url);
		var labels = url.split(".");
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
			case "":
				return labels.length > 3;
				return false;
	 * When loading the mobile version of a MediaWiki page
	 * on desktop, automatically redirect to the "correct"
	 * hostname.
	 * @example "" => ""
	 * @returns {Boolean} True if a redirect was triggered
	 * @internal
	function fixMobileRedirect(){
		if(isMobilePage() && !navigator.maxTouchPoints){
			var labels = location.hostname.split(".");
			var mIndex = labels.lastIndexOf("m");
				labels.splice(mIndex, 1);
				location.hostname = labels.join(".");
				return true;
		return false;