User:Алиса Селезньова/100WikiMacedonianDays



List of articles about the geographical and historical region of Macedonia:

  1. Лазар Серафимов - Lazar Serafimov, Bulgarian educator and revolutionary from Macedonia
  2. Дишлянова къща - Dishlyanov House, house built during the Bulgarian National Revival, cultural monument in Kovachevitsa
  3. Янис Коридис - Yanis Koridis, Greek writer
  4. Вевчански извори - Vevchani Springs, springs in Republic of Macedonia
  5. Ковачевишка къща - Kovachevitsa House, type of houses built during the Bulgarian National Revival
  6. Ковачевишка архитектурно-строителна школа - Bulgarian Revival architectural and building school of Kovachevitsa
  7. Университет на Македония - University of Macedonia, university in Thessaloniki, Greece
  8. Нишко споразумение - Nish Agreement, agreement between the Macedonian Orthodox Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church from 2002
  9. Казана - Kazana, cave in Pirin mointain, Bulgaria
  10. Кнежински манастир - Knezhino Monastery, monastery in Republic of Macedonia, built in XI - XII century
  11. Къща на улица „7-ми ноември“ № 3 - House on 3 "7 November" str. in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, cultural monument
  12. Охридски чинар - The plane tree of Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, symbol of the town and natural monument
  13. Андрей Стоянов - Andrey Stoyanov, Bulgarian educator in Macedonia
  14. Васил Манов - Vasil Manov, Bulgarian politician from Bansko
  15. Ушева къща - Ushev House, house built during the Bulgarian National Revival, cultural monument in Bansko
  16. Нику Караника - Nicu Caranica, Romanian writer from Bitolya
  17. Исак Бенруби - Isaac Benrubi, Jewish and Swiss philosopher from Thessaloniki
  18. Национална и университетска библиотека „Свети Климент Охридски“ - National and University Library "Saint Clement of Ohrid" in Skopje
  19. Художествена галерия на Обществото за македонски изследвания - Art Gallery of the Society for Macedonian Studies, Thessaloniki
  20. Апостолос Килесопулос - Apostolos Kilessopoulos, prominent Greek painter from Katerini
  21. Вера Кирова - Vera Kirova, prominent Bulgarian ballerina from Petrich
  22. Бърницка култура - Brnjica culture, archeological culture
  23. Вароша (квартал на Благоевград) - Varosha, neighborhood in Blagoevgrad
  24. Добърска певческа школа - Music school of Dobarsko
  25. Мал гьол - Mal gyol, lake in Shar mountain, Republic of Macedonia
  26. Димитър Димитров - Dimitar Dimitrov, Bulgarian agronomist from Dolni Poroi
  27. Обсада на Свети град - Siege of Svetigrad
  28. Струмишка галерия за икони - Strumitsa Icon Gallery
  29. Цареви кули - Strumica Fortress
  30. Голем гьол - Golem Gyol, lake in Republic of Macedonia
  31. Къща на улица „Цар Самуил“ № 42 - House on 42 Tsar Samuil Street, Ohrid, cultural monument
  32. Христо Григоров - Hristo Georgiev, Bulgarian public figure
  33. Георги Чапразов (диригент) - Goergi Chaprazov, Bulgarian musician, conductor
  34. Бояджиева къща - Boyadzhiev House, Ohrid, cultural monument
  35. Георгова къща (Георги Георгов) - Georgi Georgov's House, Sofia, cultural monument
  36. Георгова къща (Иван Георгов) - Ivan Georgov's House, Sofia, cultural monument
  37. Влахинска българска община - Vlahi Bulgarian Municipality
  38. Аристофон - Aristophon, Greek painter
  39. Велушка тумба - important archaeological site near the village of Velushina in the Republic of Macedonia
  40. Стара винарска изба „Тиквеш“ - former complex of winery buildings in the town of Kavadarci, Republic of Macedonia
  41. Лазар Петрович - Macedonian Serboman, General of the Kingdom of Serbia, professor at the Military Academy in Belgrade, and First Adjutant of King Aleksandar Obrenović
  42. Мечково - historic village in Southwestern Bulgaria, located on the territory of Petrich municipality, Blagoevgrad region
  43. Яшар Наби Найър - prominent Turkish writer, poet, translator, playwright
  44. Самуил, цар български - historical trilogy by the classical Bulgarian writer Dimitar Talev
  45. Петнадесет тивериополски мъченици (Άγιοι πεντεκαίδεκα Μάρτυρες) - early Christian martyrs, worshiped as saints by the Orthodox Church
  46. Дюкянджик джамия - mosque in Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia
  47. Араста джамия - mosque in Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia
  48. Михаил Маджари (Mihail Magiari) - Romanian jurist, economist, politician and writer, preeminent Bulgarian translator, member of the Writers' Union of Romania
  49. Моисей Голем Комнин Арианит - Albanian nobleman and commander of the League of Lezhë
  50. Воймир Асенов - Bulgarian writer and poet, member of the Writers' Union of Bulgaria
  51. Един оглед по етнографията на Македония - a book by the Bulgarian civic activist Spiro Gulabchev, published in 1887
  52. Иван Марков (краевед) - Bulgarian ethnographer, historian, and researcher from Macedonia
  53. Кузман Йосифов - prominent Bulgarian educator and public figure from Macedonia
  54. Дамян Йосифов - Bulgarian educator and revolutionary, activist of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
  55. Евгений Рилски - Bulgarian clergyman and educator, archimandrite, chairman of several Bulgarian church municipalities in Macedonia
  56. Димитър Шавкулов - prominent Bulgarian merchant from the first half of the 20th century, co-owner of "Brothers Shakulov"
  57. Благой Десковски - Bulgarian civic activist and educator of the late Bulgarian National Revival in Macedonia, one of the most distinguished teachers in the Bulgarian schools in Thessaloniki
  58. Тодор Дечев - Bulgarian educator and public figure of the late Bulgarian National Revival in Macedonia
  59. Гацо Саракинче - Bulgarian merchant and public figure of the late Bulgarian National Revival in Macedonia
  60. Драган Тъпков - Bulgarian educator and artist from Macedonia
  61. Саракинови - famous Bulgarian family, established in the XVIII century, from the then large Bulgarian village Sarakinovo in the Voden (Edessa) region
  62. Свети Лазар (Солун) (Αγίου Λαζάρου) - cemetery church in Thessaloniki, Aegean Macedonia, Greece
  63. Св. св. Кирил и Методий (Солун, 1873) - historic church in Thessaloniki, Aegean Macedonia, Greece
  64. Свети Димитър (Солун, 1890) (Ιερός Ναός Αγίου Δημητρίου) - historic church in Thessaloniki, Aegean Macedonia, Greece
  65. Йоан Педиасим (Ιωάννης Πεδιάσιμος) - Byzantine scholar, astronomer, poet, cleric, mathematician, and philosopher
  66. Теофан Флорас (Θεοφάνης Φλωράς) - Orthodox clergyman, Metropolitan of the Patriarchate of Constantinople
  67. Рифат бей конак - two Renaissance houses in Gotse Delchev (Nevrokop), Bulgaria
  68. Каменица (Сяр) (Καμενίτσα) - historic neighborhood in western Serres, Aegean Macedonia, Greece
  69. Михаил Христович - Bulgarian physician and public figure
  70. Спиридон Казанджиев (лекар) - Bulgarian physician, pharmacist, and public figure
  71. Рифат бей Неврокопски (Rifat Bey) - Ottoman officer and clerk
  72. Св. св. Петър и Павел (Долни Стаевац) - Revival period Orthodox Church in the village of Donji Stajevac, Trgovište region, Southeast Serbia
  73. Герман Марулис (Γερμανὸς) - Orthodox saint of the XIII century, revered for his protection of Orthodoxy and his struggle against the Union of Lyon
  74. Яков I Солунски (Ιάκωβος Α΄) - Byzantine Orthodox clergyman of the 14th century, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki
  75. Теодосий Колоски - Bulgarian painter from Macedonia, representative of the Debar Art School
  76. Смесена гръцко-българска емиграционна комисия (Sous-Commission de l'immigration Greco-Bulgare) - established in 1920 after the signing of a convention between Bulgaria and Greece on the issue of refugee bonds and the settlement of the relations between the two countries concerning voluntary migration and exchange of population
  77. Солунско пристанище (Λιμάνι της Θεσσαλονίκης) - Port of Thessaloniki
  78. Александър Жак дьо Белег дьо Бюгас (Alexandre Jacques de Bellaigue de Bughas) - French diplomat and officer
  79. Трайко Муфтински - painter and artist from Macedonia, one of the doyens of painting in the Republic of Macedonia
  80. Флоримон Флора (Florimond Casimir Marie Fleurat) - French diplomat and officer, who held various diplomatic positions in the Ottoman Empire in the middle of the nineteenth century
  81. Димитрис Парцалидис (Δημήτρης (Μήτσος) Παρτσαλίδης) - Greek unionist and politician, leader and activist of the Communist Party of Greece
  82. Христо Боботанов - Bulgarian revolutionary and educator, activist of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization
  83. Михалис Газес (Μιχάλης Γκαζές) - Greek politician, MP and activist of the Communist Party of Greece
  84. Владимир Антонов - Russian engineer who worked in Kumanovo, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, contributing significantly to the modernization of the city
  85. Димитър Младенов (духовник) - 19th-century Macedonian Serboman, priest, metropolitan vicar at Kumanovo, leader of the Kumanovo Serbian municipality, and active figure of early Serbian propaganda in Macedonia
  86. Кумановска българска община - civil-church association of the Bulgarian exarchists in Kumanovo, which existed in the Ottoman Empire from the 70s of the 19th century until 1913
  87. Михаил Нагорички - Bulgarian clergyman, important figure in the Bulgarian National Revival in Macedonia, archbishop of Kumanovo, and chairman of the Kumanovo Bulgarian municipality
  88. Ахилеас Папапетру (Αχιλλέας Νικολάου Παπαπέτρου) - prominent Greek physicist, who contributed to the theory of General Relativity
  89. Свети Георги (солунска църква от XVI век) (Αγίου Γεωργίου) - church in Thessaloniki from 16th century
  90. Батко Георгия - Bulgarian merchant from Kumanovo from the 19th century, a symbol of the town
  91. Драмско поле - depression in the northeastern part of Aegean Macedonia, Greece, forming the middle basin of the river Angitis, which flows through its western part
  92. Селечка планина - medium-high mountain in the Republic of Macedonia, located southeast of the town of Prilep, between the plain of Pelagonia and the historical region of ​​Mariovo
  93. Георгий Солунски (Γεώργιος) - Byzantine clergyman, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki in XI century
  94. Охридско мюфтийство (Охридско муфтиство) - one of the 13 regional muftis of the Islamic religious community in the Republic of Macedonia
  95. Паунова къща - Paunov House, cultural monument in Veles
  96. Солунски църковен музей - Thessaloniki Ecclesiastic Museum
  97. Македония в своите жители само сърби няма - a book of the Bulgarian public figure and clergyman Methodius Kusev, Metropolitan of Stara Zagora, published in 1912 in Chirpan
  98. Зия Дибра (Zija Dibra) - Ottoman—and later Albanian—officer and politician, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of War of Albania
  99. Държавен театър на Северна Гърция (Κρατικό Θέατρο Βορείου Ελλάδος) - theater in Thessaloniki, Aegean Macedonia, Greece, one of the largest under the umbrella of the Greek Ministry of Culture
  100. Кескари (Keskari) - German leather trade company, founded in Leipzig, Saxony in 1856 by the famous Ohrid merchant Sotir Ketskarov