
This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee/Election/2024 Special Election and the translation is 82% complete.




7月10日 – 2024年7月19日, End of Day, AoE ( UTC) 選舉公告與候選人申請登記
2024年7月20日 – 2024年8月3日 候選人接受社群提問
2024年7月27日 – UTC 投票期
2024年8月 公告選舉結果




  • 遵守《通用行為準則》。
  • 需年滿18歲,當選後需與維基媒體基金會簽署非公開資訊保密協議(NDA)。
  • Have not been blocked on any Wikimedia project nor have an active event ban in the past one year. Candidates who are blocked may appeal to the Election Committee, who may make an exception.
  • Self-identify their home wiki(s) and the region they are from publicly.
  • 滿足選舉流程所決定的任何其他資格要求。
  • 於任一維基媒體計畫註冊至少365日,並在2024年7月10日 12:00 UTC至少有500次編輯。
  • Not have English Wikipedia, German Wikipedia, or Italian Wikipedia as their home wiki. (why?)

Please note that all volunteers who meet the minimum requirements are eligible to run. Successful candidates so far have had more than 5000 edits (across all projects) and hold adminship (or other advanced permissions) on a project.

In this special election, according to chapter 2 of the U4C charter, there are 9 seats available on the U4C: four community-at-large seats and five regional seats to ensure the U4C represents the diversity of the movement. No more than two members of the U4C can be elected from the same home wiki.

After the first election 2024 (List of current members) and according the Wikimedia Foundation's regional approach, the open regional seats are:

  • 北美(美國和加拿大)
  • 拉丁美洲與加勒比地區
  • 中歐及東歐
  • 撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲
  • 南亞

While U4C membership is for a two-year term, during this special election which is a follow up of the first election, regional representatives will fulfill the remaining part of a two-year term and the community-at-large representatives will fulfill the remaining part of a one-year term (which will end 15 June 2025).





  • 投票是以不記名投票方式進行。選民可以向每位候選人投下支持、反對或中立票。
  • 選民可以投票給來自所有地區的候選人。
  • 中立票不計算在內。
  • 選民資格將由選舉委員會決定。
  • 候選人必須獲得 60% 或以上的支持票(與反對票相比)才能當選。計算百分比時不計算中立票。獲得此資格後:
    • 每位候選人的反對票數量將從支持票數量中減去。票數差距最大的候選人將當選各席位。
    • 如果兩位候選人的支持率相同,則以支持票數量/(支持票數量+反對票數量)計算的百分比來決定勝負。