Translation requests/WMF/FAQ/ja
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ウィキメディア財団 (Wikimedia Foundation Inc., 略称 WMF) は、多種多様のフリー・コンテンツ・プロジェクトを統括する組織です。中でも多くの賞を受賞したオンライン百科事典ウィキペディアが特に知られています。
editWikimedia is a non-profit charitable corporation organized under the laws of Florida, USA and physically located in San Francisco, California, USA. Fully audited, the Wikimedia Foundation is now listed as a charitable organization at Guidestar and its partner sites. The Wikimedia Foundation has 501(c)(3) tax exempt status in the United States.
The existence of the Wikimedia Foundation was officially announced by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on June 20, 2003. The bylaws of Wikimedia Foundation Inc. are available online.
editThe Wikimedia Foundation supports Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia and one of the 10 most visited websites world-wide. From the founding of Wikipedia in January 2001, and the incorporation of the Wikimedia Foundation in June 2003, our growth has been staggering. The English-language Wikipedia, our first project, has expanded from 135,000 articles at the time of incorporation to more than 6,000,000 articles today. All Wikipedia languages combined contain more than 47,000,000 articles.
The Wikimedia Foundation also operates several projects beside Wikipedia, such as Wikimedia Commons, the repository of free images and other media, which contains more than 43,000,000 images, videos, and sound files. We also lead and support the development of MediaWiki, the open source wiki software behind almost all our public websites.
More information may be found on the page about our projects.
editThe Wikimedia Foundation has a staff of 302, led by the Executive Director, Sue Gardner. The staff supports the work of the hundreds of thousands of volunteers who contribute content to the Wikimedia communities. It is also supported by countless volunteers participating through committees, as interns, or on an ad hoc basis.
The Board of Trustees articulates the mission and vision of the Wikimedia Foundation, reviews and helps to develop long term plans, provides oversight, and supports the Wikimedia Foundation's fundraising efforts. It is the ultimate organizational authority of the Wikimedia Foundation as defined in its bylaws. See Meetings for published Board minutes and Resolutions for published Board resolutions. The Board is partially elected from the community of contributors to the Wikimedia projects.
We have one office, located in San Francisco, California (USA), where most of our employees are working. All other board members and staff work remotely.
We strive to operate highly transparently, and have published key policies and financial information.
editThere are several key ways:
- The Wikimedia Foundation owns the more than 300 servers used to run our projects, along with all the associated domain names and trademarks. It keeps the projects free of charge and free of advertising.
- We support strategic software development work on the MediaWiki software and associated tools which allow more people to participate, or allow the existing volunteer community to work more effectively. This includes tools specifically related to quality assurance.
- We develop learning resources, support workshops and strive to think intelligently about other ways to bring in new contributors, and to grow Wikimedia as an international movement for free knowledge.
- We try to bring the educational content from Wikimedia's projects to people in as many forms as possible. In particular, we want to help disadvantaged communities with limited connectivity to access free educational content, and to contribute to it.
In all this, we are supported by local chapters organized in many different countries.
edit財団の詳細な使途計画は財務報告のページでご覧いただけます。 A detailed overview of our planned spending can be found in our financial reports.
ウィキメディア財団は米国連邦内国歳入法501条c項3号の減免税資格をアメリカ合衆国で得ています。他国からの寄付も税控除が可能である場合があります。詳細は寄付金の税控除をご覧ください。寄付のページでPayPal、MoneyBookersまたは郵便を通じた寄付の方法を確認いただけます。その他の種類の寄付については、スー・ガードナー sgardner at
edit2004-6会計年度についての財務諸表は、Gregory Sharer & Stuart[1]事務所により検査され、一般に公正妥当と認められる会計原則(USGAAP)にしたがって作成されました。
財務諸表へのリンク: Financial statements 2006-2007 財務諸表
Wikiaとは何ですか? ウィキペディアの一部ですか? ウィキメディア財団のプロジェクトですか?
editウィキア (Wikia, Inc.) はウィキメディア財団とはまったく別の営利を目的とする企業です。ウィキアはジミー・ウェールズとアンジェラ・ビーズリーによって設立されました。ジミー・ウェールズはウィキメディア財団の設立者であり、またアンジェラ・ビーズリーは財団の顧問委員会の委員長です。ウィキアは、個人がウィキを使ったコミュニティを構築することを、ウィキペディアのために開発されたウィキエンジンのメディアウィキを使って実現しています。ウィキアのウィキコミュニティは広告を掲載しています。ウィキアはサーチエンジンの開発も行っています。
ウィキマニアとは何ですか? ウィキメディアのプロジェクトですか?