Translathon Rodin100/Participants by country

  About   Articles to be translated   Participants by country   Resources   Awards   Outcomes  

How to register

  1. Add your username below with a link to your home language userpage and if you want, tell us where are you editing from
  2. When you translate an article in a new language, come back here and add a link to each page under your name, with the score you claim.


  1. Christian Cariño, Mexico City

What would happen if there was a tie?


There's always the possibility of a tie, if that happens at the final points count, we will consider these evaluation criteria to choose a winner:

  • The articles must stay until september 2017
  • The articles must be the most uncontested
  • Minimum of bytes (at least the same of the suggested article)
  • Wikify
  • Content quality


  1. Christian Cariño (talk) 04:17, 8 June 2017 (UTC), Mexico City[reply]