Training modules/dashboard/slides/11516-plagiarism-quiz/es
Plagiarism quiz
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Which of the following is NOT considered a form of plagiarism when writing Wikipedia articles?
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- Copy text and don't credit the author. (haga clic para expandir o contraer)INCORRECT! This is unattributed plagiarism.
- Copy text exactly, and credit the author in a footnote. (haga clic para expandir o contraer)INCORRECT! This is plagiarism of cited sources. Limited use of quotation is acceptable, but any quotes must be explicitly marked as such.
- Slightly changing the text of another author (cited or not) but keeping the same structure. (haga clic para expandir o contraer)INCORRECT! This is close paraphrasing. You should always rewrite in your own words, using an original sentence structure.
- Taking information from a source and contributing it to Wikipedia using your own words, citing the original source as a reference. (haga clic para expandir o contraer)CORRECT! This is the best way to get information from sources into Wikipedia: By understanding them, and explaining the concept in your own words, while crediting the source.