Training modules/Keeping events safe/description/ja

This page is a translated version of the page Training modules/Keeping events safe/description and the translation is 50% complete.


ようこそ! このトレーニングではイベント主催者の皆さんを対象に、イベントに関連して嫌がらせや虐待の案件が発生した場合に備え、対応策を扱います。修了の所要時間はおよそ10分前後です。

In this module, you will learn the basics of event safety, such as the situations you might encounter, what to do before the event to prepare, what to do during the event when incidents come up, how to follow up after the event and, finally, additional things to consider.

This module also contains some scenarios to ponder. You can share your thoughts on them to the Meta-Wiki pages linked to each situation.