Tax status in the Netherlands

We are looking into getting "artikel 24" status in the Netherlands. It means we can inherit money and, people who donate money can get a tax refund. It means that we have to do proper administration,

Local organisation


When we create a local organisation representing the Foundation and its aims we can get this tax status. This can be either a nl:w:vereniging or a nl:w:stichting.

Artikel 24 status for the Foundation in the Netherlands


It transpires that we can get the status for the Foundation itself. This would mean that we need to do some paperwork and be an organisation that truly has a mondilal sphere of operation. We have to be doing stuff for the common good and, there cannot be another organisation in the Netherlands representing the Foundation.

I understand that technically it is possible to get this status for the Foundation in all the EU countries.

When we go this way we have to have a high quality administration and, it is certain that this will become a full time position.