Should we launch an official bid to host Wikimania 2009?


Let's discuss whether to launch an official bid to host the 2009 event. See Wikimania 2008 goes to Alexandria for the 2008 scoring.Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Organising team


Cape Town fared worst in the 'organising team' criterion last time. We need to have a larger, and more active organising team for another bid. After reading everything else, please put your name down here if you're willing to be actively involved in a future bid.Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Bid team

  1. Ian Gilfillan (if we have at least 5 actively committed people)
  2. Anique van der Vlugt (I am not sure how much I will end up doing but I still have contact with people at UCT so I will see what I can organise there?!)
  3. Jonathan Hitchcock (I'm in)
  4. Joey da Silva (Worried the fact Alexandria won the bid 2008 bid means Africa won't be a consideration for the foreseeable future?)
  5. Tim Shier (Similar concern as Joey but also believe that the publicity SA is getting for 2010 Soccer can be levered to our advantage)



The timing for the 2009 bid is not great (see Wikimania 2009). It's been vastly accelerated, and official bids are already open, with the final decision to be made by December. While this puts new bidders at a disadvantage, and puts old bidders like Toronto at an advantage, it's not ideal for Cape Town, as it gives us little time to improve our bid, and it also falls over exams/holidays. Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Consider riding on the coat tails of the 2010 soccer. This has been done quite a few times by the computer olympiad (IOI) they get to utilise the infrastructure that has been set up. Works for them.

Alexandria is hosting 2008


Alexandria is in Africa, and the grouping of Cape Town and Alexandria will be to the detriment of Cape Town's bid. Cape Town is approximately 7000 km's from Alexandria, while London is closer (according to my rough estimate!), but Europe will feel it's their turn, and the North America cities will also be making a strong bid again. Cape Town will probably do worse in the 'rotation' criterion (though objectively it should have done much better last time). I'd like to sound out the judges on this point - is it worth our while, or has a city like Toronto got it sewn up already? Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Accommodation and Venue


Cape Town understandably scored badly here last time. Accommodation has to be at the same place as the venue for a future bid. With the city centre too expensive, this only really leaves the universities - Cape Peninsula, UCT, UWC and Stellenbosch. There also need to be good socialising and eating spots within walking distance. Personally I think Stellenbosch is the best fit. Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Funding and Cost


The tight deadline gives us little time to kick off a funding hunt again. The overall budget though will be much improved by not having to pay the convention centre's prices. If we can get one of the universities to offer their venue for free, we're looking very good. Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Internet Access


Cape Town understandably didn't do well with the Internet Access category. IS kindly donated 4Mbps, but this paled against Alexandria's 156Mbps connection. There's not much we can do about this. Perhaps if we ask Telkom nicely :) Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Wikimania Chapter


Regardless of the bid outcome, I'd like to see the creation of a South African Wikimedia Chapter as a lasting outcome of the interest in the bid. See Step-by-step chapter creation guide for details on what this entails. Who's interested, and willing to be involved in this process? Greenman 22:59, 23 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Carbon neutral?


Will the conference and the flights to it be carbon neutral? -- Jeandré, 2007-10-24t20:33z

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