Talk:Wikimania 2005 overview

Latest comment: 19 years ago by MattisManzel in topic collab-editor

Old discussion


see the 2004 Archive

Help wanted


We need help in the following areas. Please add your name below each bullet item if you can help!

  • Local information : Wikimania:Venue could use some good information about the area; ideally a printable information sheet. The list of social events and things to do around town could use an update, with specific suggested outings on Monday.
  • A/V  : We could use five cameras and tripods to capture video of the presentations. (And a handful of tapes, and someone to man each one)
    Soufron - bringing two cameras; taking some video ; vlogging the whole thing
  • Podcasting : We also need help converting audio and video into podcasts at the end of each half-day; 3 or 4 knowledgable volunteers would be helpful here. We will have sound recordings and streams for all rooms, thanks to Kyle, but currently noone is signed up to convert and package the results.
    NB: This is something you can help with from overseas, if you have access to the stream.
  • Transcribing : In order to transcribe every session, we will need up to 5 people at any given moment transcribing the different rooms. Better still would be two people per room. (You may be able to find people on IRC to help you out) This is a fun job, if you're a fast typist.
  • Site design  : The Wikimania site needs a makeover for the conference. If you want to work on this, leave a note here for access to that wiki.
  • PR and press releases  : We will have press releases starting next week; perhaps two of them before the conference begins. Help needed writing, translating, and distributing them (especially to local media outlets in Europe).




I am in Beijing, China. Anything I can do to join the Wikimania?

see remote participation, please.



MattisManzel 10:49, 17 July 2005 (UTC): Collaborative real-time editors enable you to work on a page simultaneously. There is a Mediawiki-extention [1] to include the contemporary contents of a MoonEdit page (to read it you have to have the client installed) into a wiki page (everybody can read it). I think, it would be useful to set up one (or several) permanent collab-editor sessions during wikimania. People worldwide could help on translation, discuss podcasts of speeches, make proposals and you could react in real-time on that input. It would be easy to set it up in a few hours. The fellow above could help directly from Beijing, and not him only. I have been doing socalled ting-sessions twice a week since February (see the ting-wiki and I could imagine a wikimania-ting as well as article-tings for wikipedia-articles. As MoonEdit is proprietary and excludes mac users I recommend to use gobby. None of the recent collab-editors is perfect, gobby seems the most advanced of the cross-platform opensource projects.Reply

MattisManzel 15:13, 19 July 2005 (UTC): I set up a wikimania-ting page in MoonEdit (on and a wiki-page on the s23-wiki to include it in. See s23-wiki: wikimania-ting. It would be nicer to use gobby, I agree, but it still misses some tiny details (an extention - or whatever - for the inclusion in wiki and a stand-alone-server function - which is basically already implemented but not quite finished yet, afaik). Maybe someone could help the gobby-folks, so we could use it for wikimania instead of MoonEdit? That would be great. Thanks. My technical knowledge is too limited to do so myself. gobby-wikiReply

MattisManzel 12:26, 21 July 2005 (UTC): There are more wikis interested in interacting with wikimania.Reply

See also Ting, please.

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