Talk:English Wikipedia SOPA blackout/Congress data

I am concerned about your concern, ok, you have a problem with congress,. but blocking my access to your site because of it causes me to lose money, so you can forget about my donation this year, thank you very much!

So.. Wikipedia thinks they are the source of "free knowledge".. lol. That is so rich. Considering my local school district blocks it due to accuracy issues (it isn't the only one I know about). Too funny.. they are full of themselves. I don't mind paying a few dollars to a publisher for information that is better vetted. Get real Wikipedia.

No worries..

That website sucks and whoever posted this is not very smart. Good luck buddy!

Block my access unless I send a mail to my Congressmen


To block my access to information unless I report your issue to my US Congressmen puts you in the same sandbox as them. If you don't want US congressional influence and you wish to continue to be an open forum. Then move your site offshore or address the influence issue. If you wish to debate the US gov ability to manage content and access, then address the issue at that platform. If not then man up and address the entire issue, China, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Israel and India all do the same.

Go big or go home B.

It's not true that there's a banner on Simple wiki, and there won't be one, if noone puts anything there. The banner there has been the English wikipedia banner yesterday, because it has automatically been taken over from there (due to bug 25591, not because of decision making). --Geitost diskusjon 14:16, 18 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

Now I'm seeing that this page is also here (English Wikipedia SOPA blackout/Actions by other communities), so I'll change that here on Meta. --Geitost diskusjon 14:23, 18 January 2012 (UTC)Reply

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