Swecha Andhra Pradesh/Activities

Swecha Andhra Pradesh is a volunteer-run non-profit working on bridging the digital divide, taking knowledge to the commons, and advocating free software in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Our volunteers run hackerspaces in colleges, take STEM to government schools, and setup community digital libraries in remote villages. This page is primarily to document our Wikimedia related use-cases, outreach programs, and contributions.




  • MVGR4Wikimedia Campaign - April 2024: Organised a campaign to encourage students and faculty of MVGR College to contribute media to Commons. blog post
  • Wikidata Coordinate Me 2024 May 2024: Worked with the OpenStreetMap Andhra Pradesh community to improve geographical data on Wikidata. blog post
  • KLGLUG Social Internship - June 2024: Around 50 students were introduced to Wikimedia ecosystem, OpenStreetMap and open data projects who contributed 500 images to Commons, 18,000 images/200km of street view imagery to Mapillary, and hundreds of edits to pages of their villages and college on Wikipedia. stats blog post


Events and Talks

General Public

  • Swecha Voice