Support and Safety/Annual Plan 2018-19

SuSa departmental program proposals


Program Name: Improving Trust and Safety processes


SuSa will create a complaint processing map of its and related community workflows to make more transparent to the team’s stakeholders - communities, affiliates, Foundation staff, and partners - what kinds of complaints the team refers to community processes under current practice and which types it does handle. The program will reduce the risk of double work on the same issues from staff and volunteer functionaries, improve SuSa and functionary coordination, cut processing times of cases warranting SuSa’s attention through improved triaging, reduce the number of misplaced cases or cases with a severely delayed response, and identify gaps in community and SuSa work that ought to be addressed in future projects.

Select the activity type:
__X__ Programmatic activities
____ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Support and Safety, Legal
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

If this program directly supports one of the three Annual Plan topline goals, please check which.  It is not necessary that each program support one of these topline goals.


_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
_____ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
__X___ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal: Foundational strength: By improving existing Trust and Safety processes and creating new ones where required, we enhance the capacity of the team and, by extension, the volunteers it collaborates with on improving community health, proactively (through policy & process) as well as reactively (through improved case handling based on relevant policy and process).

Program Goals

Program goals are clear statements of the overall purpose of a program and should explain how we expect the program’s outcomes to change the world.

Program Goal:

The health of Wikimedia communities improves through enhanced capabilities of the Trust and Safety team; identify developing behavioral trends, adapt existing processes to the changed community health environment, create new ones where needed (including new policy and software tools), handle cases from a wider range of communities more effectively, and manage expectations better than to date.

Outcome 1

Outcomes are the desired results a program attempts to achieve. They represent changes to specific users’ knowledge, skills, or abilities.

Claimants and other initiators of cases are able to navigate the community and staff Trust and Safety systems relevant to their case.
Output 1

This output should support Outcome 1. More outputs can be added for this outcome, if needed. Milestones may also be included here. Milestones are optional but may be helpful for planning purposes.

Build a complaints map of Trust and Safety processes.
Output 2
Triage of cases for clear ownership.
Output 3
Reduce the number of out-of-scope cases volunteer functionaries and non-Support and Safety staff redirect to the team.
Outcome 2 (if applicable - multiple outcomes are not required)
Trust and Safety staff is able to leverage comprehensive databases, policies reflecting the current institutional environment, and accountability mechanisms.
Output 4
Review and update Trust and Safety policies and practices related to output 1 to reflect current institutional practice.
Output 5
Review and reform the dispersed databases and platforms involved in documenting and processing cases of all types.
Output 6
Train Support and Safety staff in handling the new triaging approach (output 2), updated policies (output 4), and modified database structure (output 5).


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Claimants and other initiators of cases are able to navigate the community and staff Trust and Safety systems relevant to their case. 1. Cut the number of out-of-scope cases received from known input providers by 50% by EOFY.

2. Cut the number of cases without unambiguous ownership by 25% by EOFY.

1. Measure quarterly against the baseline established for FY 17/18 in outcome 1.

2. Measure quarterly against the baseline established for FY 17/18 in outcome 1.

Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
Trust and Safety staff is able to leverage comprehensive databases, policies reflecting the current institutional environment, and accountability mechanisms.
  1. Update all policies and practices identified as targets in outcome 1 by EOFY.
  2. Reform or eliminate all databases and platforms identified as targets in outcome 1 by 1/15/19.
  3. Train all staff contributing to:
    1. A. triaging of cases (Ca@, emergency@),
    2. B. implementation of updated policies, and
    3. C. database and documentation maintenance under affected policies by EOFY.
1. Percentage of identified targets completed.

2. Percentage of identified targets completed.

3. 1. Percentage of relevant staff (9) completing all training units (3) successfully.

3.2. Quarterly ongoing monitoring of perceived training level through introduction of SuSa barometer.

Dependencies (optional)

Please describe any dependencies that this program has on other teams/departments, external partners, etc.  This will help leaders of relevant teams understand and plan for the dependency.

Legal, as part of regular coordinative workflows.

Program Name: Voices under Threat


Building on the preparatory work in Q3-4 of 17/18, the program will create and pool resources with a network of aligned organizations on how to navigate external risks and threats to individual contributors and groups supporting open knowledge. It will identify and establish relationships with and provide support for marginalised Wikimedians through a group of volunteer advisors.

Select the activity type:
__X__ Programmatic activities
____ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Support and Safety, Legal
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

If this program directly supports one of the three Annual Plan topline goals, please check which.  It is not necessary that each program support one of these topline goals.


__X___ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
_____ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal: Foundational strength: By helping to protect editors and other contributors from pressures by governments and other agencies that want to suppress free knowledge, we empower them by addressing external threats to their ability to contribute and stabilize the movement as a whole.

Program Goals

Program goals are clear statements of the overall purpose of a program and should explain how we expect the program’s outcomes to change the world.

Program Goal:

Better support Wikimedia volunteers and groups facing external threats in the pursuit of the mission.

Outcome 1

Outcomes are the desired results a program attempts to achieve. They represent changes to specific users’ knowledge, skills, or abilities.

A network of allied organizations that enables the Foundation to access best practices, resources, and closer monitoring of changing challenging environments for free knowledge volunteerism.
Output 1

This output should support Outcome 1. More outputs can be added for this outcome, if needed. Milestones may also be included here. Milestones are optional but may be helpful for planning purposes.

An inter-institutional communications plan for the sustainable contact and dialogue with program-aligned organizations.
Output 2
Ongoing collaboration with program-aligned organizations to pursue the program’s goals.
Outcome 2 (if applicable - multiple outcomes are not required)
A support network of Wikimedia volunteers affected by the socio-cultural challenges profile addressed by the program and supportive peers (advisory group).
Output 3
A secure platform for communications has been established and is being used by Wikimedia volunteers.
Output 4
A reliable vetting process for participating Wikimedia volunteers in  both base user roles (outcome 2) is operational.
Outcome 3 (if applicable - multiple outcomes are not required)
Provide resources for individual contributors and groups supporting open knowledge under external risks and threats.
Output 5
Evaluate and if program-aligned establish a non-public collaboration space to build, document, and share non-public resources.
Output 6
Publish a program page with general public resources on


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
A network of allied organizations that enables the Foundation to access best practices, resources, and closer monitoring of changing challenging environments for free knowledge volunteerism.   Align at least five allied organizations with the program by EOFY 18/19. Measured against the list of potential institutional allies identified by EOFY17/18.
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
A support network of Wikimedia volunteers affected by the socio-cultural challenges profile addressed by the program and supportive peers (advisory group). One sustainable advisory group supporting a network on the secure platform by EOFY. Measured against the viable role definition, threat model, and platform criteria set in FY17/18.
Outcome 3 Target 3 Measurement method
Provide resources for individual contributors and groups supporting open knowledge under external risks and threats. Five resources in at least three categories are in use by the network and the advisory group (outcome 2) by EOFY. Measured against the resources model set in FY17/18.
Dependencies (optional)

Please describe any dependencies that this program has on other teams/departments, external partners, etc.  This will help leaders of relevant teams understand and plan for the dependency.

Legal as part of ongoing coordinative workflows

Non-programs (core)


Trust and Safety investigations


SuSa conducts a wide range of Trust and Safety investigations under existing policies to address challenging user behavior.

Select the activity type:
____ Programmatic activities
__X__ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Support and Safety, Legal
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

If this program directly supports one of the three Annual Plan topline goals, please check which.  It is not necessary that each program support one of these topline goals.


_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
_____ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal:

Program Goals

Program goals are clear statements of the overall purpose of a program and should explain how we expect the program’s outcomes to change the world.

Program Goal:

Protecting our communities by conducting Trust and Safety investigations volunteer functionaries cannot handle due to statutory, technical, policy, or case-specific constraints.

Outcome 1

Outcomes are the desired results a program attempts to achieve. They represent changes to specific users’ knowledge, skills, or abilities.

Keeping our communities safe.
Output 1

This output should support Outcome 1. More outputs can be added for this outcome, if needed. Milestones may also be included here. Milestones are optional but may be helpful for planning purposes.

Conduct Trust and Safety user investigations in line with policy.
Output 2
Conduct Trust and Safety AffCom investigations in line with policy.
Output 3
Where appropriate under policy, sanction users based on Trust and Safety policy investigation findings.
Output 4
Evaluation and reporting.


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Keeping our communities safe.
  1. Conduct Trust and Safety user and AffCom investigations within 20 business days under policy.
  2. Conduct enforcement and correspondence issues within two business days under policy.
  3. Conduct evaluation and reporting issues related to immanent threats within 30 minutes under policy.
  1. Investigations KPI
  2. Ca@ KPI where applicable.
  3. Emergency@ KPI where applicable for evaluation and reporting issues.
Dependencies (optional)

Please describe any dependencies that this program has on other teams/departments, external partners, etc.  This will help leaders of relevant teams understand and plan for the dependency.

Legal, as part of regular coordinative workflows.

Community Committee and Functionary support


Select the activity type, see definitions (which will eventually be linked here):
____ Programmatic activities
__X__ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Support and Safety, Legal
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

If this program directly supports one of the three Annual Plan topline goals, please check which.  It is not necessary that each program support one of these topline goals.


_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
_____ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal:

Program Goals

Program goals are clear statements of the overall purpose of a program and should explain how we expect the program’s outcomes to change the world.

Program Goal:

Supporting key community functionaries and committees that contribute significantly to the communities’ health and governance.

Outcome 1

Outcomes are the desired results a program attempts to achieve. They represent changes to specific users’ knowledge, skills, or abilities.

Supporting community functionaries and committees.
Output 1

This output should support Outcome 1. More outputs can be added for this outcome, if needed. Milestones may also be included here. Milestones are optional but may be helpful for planning purposes.

Ombuds Commission liaison support and recruitment.
Output 2
Functionary liaison support (ArbComs, check users, ECOM, over sighters, stewards, TCOC)
Output 3
Internal wiki support and T & S database management


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Supporting community functionaries and committees.
  1. Conduct OmbCom liaison and recruitment workflows in line with policy
  2. Conduct functionary liaison support workflows in line with established arrangements.
  1. Measured against annual recruitment goals and functionary survey results..
  2. Annual functionary survey results.
Dependencies (optional)

Please describe any dependencies that this program has on other teams/departments, external partners, etc.  This will help leaders of relevant teams understand and plan for the dependency.

Legal, as part of regular coordinative workflows.

Select the activity type, see definitions (which will eventually be linked here):
____ Programmatic activities
__X__ General and Administrative activities
____ Fundraising activities

Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs

Teams contributing to the program:
Support and Safety, Legal
Annual Plan FY18-19 topline goals (if applicable)

If this program directly supports one of the three Annual Plan topline goals, please check which.  It is not necessary that each program support one of these topline goals.


_____ #1) Knowledge Equity - grow new contributors and content
_____ #2) Knowledge as a Service - increase reach
_____ #3) Knowledge as a Service/Foundational Strength - evolve our systems and structures
_____ None of the above      

How does your program affect the annual plan topline goal:

Program Goals

Program goals are clear statements of the overall purpose of a program and should explain how we expect the program’s outcomes to change the world.

Program Goal:

Supporting Legal and other staff.

Outcome 1

Outcomes are the desired results a program attempts to achieve. They represent changes to specific users’ knowledge, skills, or abilities.

Legal is well-supported in established non-investigation workflows to aid in statutory compliance and related issues.
Output 1

This output should support Outcome 1. More outputs can be added for this outcome, if needed. Milestones may also be included here. Milestones are optional but may be helpful for planning purposes.

DMCA, NSA, warrants, etc.
Outcome 2 (if applicable - multiple outcomes are not required)
Non-legal staff is well-supported in line with policy.
Output 2
HR vetting, identification and access rights.
Output 3
Supporting staff and executives.
Output 4


Outcome 1 Target 1 Measurement method
Legal is well-supported in established non-investigation workflows to aid in statutory compliance and related issues.
  1. 100% of Legal’s requests for non-investigation worfklows are handled within X days
  2. Conduct Legal support in line with policy.
Ca@ KPI thematic subset
Outcome 2 Target 2 Measurement method
Non-legal staff is well-supported in line with policy. Conduct other staff support in line with policy.
  1. Measured against annual staff survey.
  2. Ca@ KPI where applicable (HR, identification and access rights, other)
Dependencies (optional)

Please describe any dependencies that this program has on other teams/departments, external partners, etc.  This will help leaders of relevant teams understand and plan for the dependency.

Legal, as part of regular coordinative workflows.