Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2018-20/Working Groups/Community Health/Minutes/2019-06-18
24 June 2019
editExpert interviews
Working Group is following up on expert interviews with target candidates expected to be experts in communities, rather than the Wikimedia Movement, once ideal candidates are selected, interviews will be conducted.
Status and translations of the Kraken survey
The Working Group will reach out to the Core Team for more information and current status update of the general survey, before proceeding with the Working Group (Kraken) survey.
External analyst
The statement of work has been sent to the Core Team for contracting an external analyst.
In-person meeting: Status
The Core Team would like to do everything to ensure that all members of the Working Group can participate in the in person meeting. Working Group members are advised to get familiar with individual visa requirements.
Community conversations, May edition:
The Core Team has been working to bring more diverse voices to Community Conversations, and would like to make attempts to engage the English Wikimedians to receive feedback for Community Health.
- Feedback received from Cameroon WIkimedians, might require context and clarity.
Access to email account for outfacing communication of the working group
The Core Team, with Office IT, is helping out on setting up an email account for outfacing communication of the working group.
ESEAP Strategy Summit 2019
East, South East Asia, and Pacific (ESEAP) regional summit will be held 29-30 June 2019. Community Health WG can use this opportunity to get feedback for the scoping documents and Kraken survey.
- Community Health representatives at ESEAP will try and engage Japanese community members.
17 June 2019
edit- Working Group members will request members to volunteer and translate the Community Health survey in different languages. The Core Team will be provided with additional links that can be added on to the main (general) survey.
- The Working Group is finalising the external analyst's job description, which will be forded to the Core Team once completed.
- The Core team is working on providing the necessary documents that are needed by the Working Groups members for participation in the in-person meeting.
- The May edition of Community conversations has been shared with the Working Groups
- Access to email account for outfacing communication of the working group is still in progress.
- Expert interviews will require a methodology and guidelines around the experts to achieve comparable results which are different from the Berlin or Kraken Survey.
10 June 2019
editTranslation of the survey
Working Group members will request for volunteer support to translate the responses of the survey (This support is for languages that cannot be supported by the Working Group members)
Expert consultation
The Working Group will need to discuss the role, skills and expectations from the expert consultation, then come up with a plan inputs needed from the experts.
Wikipedia's role in suicides (In reference to the Bristol University interview and Survey)
There could be different kinds of interventions that the Community Health Working Group can think about.
- There were discussions about providing a helpline (number), however, Google already does an excellent job of this and other measures have been found to be more effective / are supported by stronger evidence
- Wikipedia articles do indicate availability of support
In-person meeting
The in-person meeting has been confirmed, travel team will be in touch with the Working Group members, any other clarifications can be directed to the Core Team.
Expert interviews
The Working Group members are free to carry out interviews or consulting other community members while developing recommendations, besides the expert consultations. The Core Team can support if transcription or any other support is required.
03 June 2019
edit- The Working Group can start draft preliminary recommendations by looking at previous responses from surveys.
- Kranken survey is linked in the general Working Groups community survey, which will be sent out mid June.
- The in person meeting for end of July has been approved, location in Amman, Jordan. Core Team will be in touch for the travel arrangements, venue, etc.
- The Working Group will be contacting a list of experts via email
- The Expert Consultation’s analysis and job description are in progress.
- Community Liaisons feedback will be provided through monthly reports one of which has been shared with the Working Groups for comments.