Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Hindi Wikipedians - Whatsapp Group



What group or community is this source coming from?

name of group Hindi Wikipedians
virtual location (page-link) or physical location (city/state/country) Whatsapp group
Location type (e.g. local wiki, Facebook, in-person discussion, telephone conference) telephone conference
# of participants in this discussion (a rough count) ?
  • Hindi Wikipedians - Whatsapp group contains 26 active Hindi Wikipedians and this platfrom is more used by Hindi Wikipedians instead of Google Hangout. Discussions regarding various issues happen daily.



The summary is a group of summary sentences and associated keywords that describe the relevant topic(s). Below is an example.

The first column (after the line number) should be a single sentence. The second column should be a comma-separated list of keywords about that sentence, and so on. Taken together, all the sentences should provide an accurate summary of what was discussed with the specific community.

Summary for the discussion:

Line Statement (summary sentence) Keywords
1 Fundamental right to knowledge and its free dissemination should always remain our priority. knowledge, dissemination
2 We should lay more stress on decentralizing Wikimedia Foundation and Local Chapters. decentralization
3 When a community/Wikipedia reaches a certain stage, Wikipedia should start advertised and promoted. promotion, advertisement
4 We should focus on bringing more students on Wikipedia and collaborate with universities and schools to start Wikipedia Education Programs. education, students, institutions
5 We should focus on making Wikipedia accessibility and editing easier on portable devices such as Smartphone. accessibility
6 We should try to take Wikipedia to the villages with the help of Gram panchayats. village, panchayat
7 We should try to collaborate with more institutions and get teachers and students to contribute to the movement. education
8 In-built application of Wikipedia should be available in all portable devices like mobile phones, tablets etc. mobility, portability
9 We should improving the mobile application of Wikipedia to make it easier to contribute to Wikipedia. mobility, accessibility
10 After 15 years we will be known as a reliable online encyclopedia in India. reliability
11 We should focus on mass outreach to let everyone know that there is a free online source of knowledge. outreach
12 Our work will be defined by technology and most of it will be on the move. Hence, we should focus on Mobile devices. mobility
13 After 15 years, we will become synonymous for knowledge, as Google is known for search. knowledge
14 We should focus on increasing the quality of articles to make Wikipedia an authentic source. quality, authenticity
15 Open source is the driving force for future and it means all types of knowledge and not just software. open source, knowledge
16 We should try innovating and improving the interface of Wikipedia to make it look modern. innovation, improvement
17 15 years from now, we will be known for quality and authentic information. quality, authenticity
18 This is the age of portable devices and Wikipedia’s application should be improved and pre-installed in mobile phones and other portable devices. portability, application
19 Wikipedia should become an integral part of education and students should be taught to use and contribute to it from the very beginning. education
20 We should always remember that our aim is to provide the sum of all human knowledge. knowledge, quantity
21 There should be active representation of Hindi Wikipedia on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter. social media
22 Official blog of Hindi Wikipedia should be started to give training to potential editors. blog, training
23 In the next fifteen year, Hindi Wikipedia should be in the top 10 Wikipedias. This work can only be done as a movement. We have the potential to do it and we just need to channelize that potential. quantity, realizing the potential
24 Hindi Wikipedia should be so developed that Wikipedians from other languages should come to see Hindi Wikipedia and not the other way around. competition
25 It is important that all members get an open and free environment to contribute. It is our duty to ensure that no one is discouraged from contributing. openness, inclusivity
26 We need to decentralize and plan events in places other than big cities. decentralization,
27 It is necessary to have a staff member to empower local community members. staff, empowerment
28 We should focus on building Hindi Wikimedians User Group. affiliates
29 We need to tell and teach everyone about our various grant programs. grants
30 Mini TTT and MWT is required for different-different locations. learning

If you need more lines, you can copy them from Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/Lines.

Detailed notes (Optional)


If you have detailed notes in addition to the summary, you may add them here. For example, the notes may come from an in-person discussion or workshop. If your discussion happened on a wiki or other online space, you do not need to copy the detailed notes here.