Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Cycle 2/zh

This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Cycle 2 and the translation is 62% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
第1輪(生成) 意義建構 第二輪 (辯論) 定稿意向 第三輪(與新聲音內容洽談;
分享并完成 背書 第2階段
3月14日–4月18日 4月18日–5月5日 5月11日–6月12日 6月12日–6月30日 7月 8月 以及 9月 10月 2017年晚些時候~2018年


到2030年,維基媒體志願者文化對於現有的貢獻者和新來者來說將是有趣,有意義和包容性的。我們歡迎新的志願者到我們的運動,並指導他們,以確保他們有一個偉大的經驗,並繼續參與這些項目。People from every background will feel part of a network of groups and organizations with deep relationships. As a result, our movement will grow both in size and in nature, as our projects flourish under our collective care.

到2030年,the Wikimedia movement will actively use technological innovations to help volunteers be much more creative and productive. We will use machine learning and design to make knowledge easy to access and easy to use. To greatly increase the quality and quantity of content in more languages, volunteers will, for example, have access to better machine translations. We will present and organize knowledge in ways that improve the way people learn and contribute — beyond the browser, the app, and the encyclopedia.

By 2030, we will be a truly global movement. In particular, we will turn our attention toward regions we have not yet served well enough: Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. We will work with communities of readers, contributors, and partners in these parts of the world. We will make space for new forms of contributions that reflect these regions (references, citations, and more). We will build awareness of the power of free knowledge and overcome barriers to access. We will build products adapted to the needs of these new members of our movement.

We will work toward ever more accurate and verifiable content. 到2030年,維基媒體項目將被視為世界上最受信任,高質量,中立和相關的自由知識來源。We will increase the depth of knowledge available and maintain our standards for verifiable and neutral content. We will invite experts to join us. We will help people understand how our processes make us reliable. We will show the most relevant information to people when and where they need it.

We will build relationships with a wide variety of organizations dedicated to the ideals of free knowledge. Wikimedia communities will work with allies that they didn’t know they had. Our content and technology will become a central part of formal and informal education around the world. We will partner with leading institutions in education, arts, entertainment, civil society, government, science, and technology. Together, we will invite a new generation of people who learn, create, and care for a growing library of free knowledge for all.

Step 2: Decide which themes are most important for you to contribute to the discussion

We recognize you may not have the time or interest in contributing to all of the themes. We understand that and value the contributions you are able to make. We encourage you to comment on as many themes as you want and focus on those questions you find most compelling. All comments will be included in the analysis and sensemaking.

Your contribution could be something simple, such as saying how your work will change if we go in a certain direction – what you might stop doing or start doing. Your contribution could also be something thought-provoking, such as challenging why a certain theme is important.

You have something valuable to add and we encourage you to get involved.


  1. 在元維基上:點擊上面的主題去討論頁面/討論頁面


  1. Summarize the main points of the discussion by theme and question number
  2. Post to the sources page so that your summary is included