Stewards/Elections 2016/Statements/Tufor

This candidate signed the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information.
Please note that the full page with votes can be found at Stewards/Elections 2016/Votes/Tufor.
  • Languages: pl-N, en-2
  • Personal info: (English)

    My wikiname is tufor and I would like to serve global community as a steward.

    I have been pl.wikipedia administrator for year and a half now. I also have sysop rights on pl.wikimedia. Once in a while I like to answer an e-mail or two in OTRS system (I have an access to info-pl and info-pl-baninfo queues). For some time I held global rollbacker rights but in June 2015 I requested to have them removed.

    I might be known from my presence on IRC channels, most notably #wikimedia-stewards, where I often idle. And when something action-worthy catches my eye, I report it there to those with global mops.

    As a steward I would like to continue doing what I've been doing for about a year – but by myself :-) That means dealing with LTAs, spambots and handling IRC requests. Moreover, I might come in handy with handling requests on meta and renaming user accounts.

    Even though I surely won't be the most active steward (I'd describe my planned activity level as 'moderate' ;) I think I still might be useful.

    Well, it's up to you, dear community, if you would like me to have these rights ;) May the Force be with you,

    tufor (talk) 20:56, 23 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

    Withdraw: I withdraw my candidature from the elections as it has no chance of succeeding and there is no point in further continuing. I really appreciate every bit of support I was given and acknowledge reasons of those who voted against or neutral. Thank you all! See you around ;-) tufor (talk) 09:43, 11 February 2016 (UTC)[reply]
  • Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2016/Questions#Tufor