Small Languages Outreach Wikiproject

The following discussion is closed.

Small Languages Outreach Wikiproject is a preliminary name for the discussion that started on Chapters' Conference in Berlin, 2012. (Sunday, first session, Room 4, to be exact.) Its purpose is to study and solve the problems connected to establishing and developing Wikimedia projects and communities in small, minority and/or indigenous languages.

There are many languages with small Wikipedias which are not developing much, and with little recognition by the language community. There are many languages with Wikipedias in incubators, virtually unknown and it is hard to gather a wikicommunity around them. There are even many living languages with no Wikipedias at all.

We have several questions to answer about these languages. How should we build up their wikicommunities? How should we contact and engage their language communities? How should we find partners for development? Should we even spend our time and money on every single languages? What could be the criteria for that?

Most of the participants in our Berlin workshop developed some thoughts about these questions. It would be best if they expressed their opinions here, as should do those who weren't there but wish they had.

Presentations done at the conference


Opinions of those could not be there


See also
