Scratch 奥林匹克竞赛规则

This page is a translated version of the page Scratch olympiad/Rules and the translation is 7% complete.

Introduction   Rules   Participants   Team   Winners

1 - General provisions, goals and objectives of the absentee International Scratch-Olympiad on creative programming in 2019 (hereinafter - the Olympics)
  1. 奥林匹克运动会旨在支持学生和教师在Scratch视觉语言研究创意编程方面的举措,并让儿童和年轻人参与STI运动的项目。
  2. 奥运会目标:
    • 俄罗斯和国外的一个划痕者社区的形成和发展;
    • 与高中生和学生组织职业指导工作;
    • 吸引儿童,教师,家长,教育界关注创意节目;
    • 提高学生和教师的算法思维水平;
    • 更新儿童和青少年人才的发展方法;
    • 提高教师的专业技能。
2 - Organizers of the Olympiad.
  1. 一般管理由AO ROBBO提供。组织并举办AO ROBBO,LLC“ECHI TI”的奥运会。
  2. 奥林匹克运动会由ANO“战略倡议机构”、Skolkovo基金会、NTI圈子运动协会、俄罗斯国家教育大学提供信息等组织支持。A.I.赫尔岑、国立高等教育机构自治教育机构莫斯科国立师范大学、萨马拉州社会教育大学、莫斯科国立师范大学、国家教育技术学会(NOTO)、NP KITPK协会(Innokam)、NPP新教育技术有限责任公司( NPP“E-HOT”)、GBPOU RO“以VV Samarsky命名的Volgodonsk商业和设计信息技术学院”、ANO信息技术发展中心“IT-Planet”、项目“您的课程:IT青年”、ANO CRSI“投影仪”、国际社会发展学院参与。 (2019年组委会成员名单正在更新中
3 - The Organizing Committee of the Olympiad.
  1. The organizing committee of the Olympiad includes delegates from partner organizations.
  2. The Organizing Committee approves the roadmap for the preparation of the Olympics.
  3. Review and approve the final protocol of the Olympiad winners.
4 - Date and place of the Olympics.

For free participation in the Olympiad you need:

To get acquainted with this Regulation of the Olympiad and choose ONE nomination for participation (clause 5.5 of the Provision). Perform olympiad tasks to choose from:

- on individually or as part of a team (using studios, remixes and backpacks),

- on a personal computer for individual participants.

Perform the olympiad task in the best possible way within the framework of the chosen nomination, focusing on one's own design and assessment criteria (p.8)

The submission of applications and the download of the Olympiad works on the site. The reactor will be launched separately with the following dates:

The current schedule of the Olympiad with a probability of 99% is as follows - January-February - loading of works of a regional tour (if there are regions that will come out for such a tour), March-April is an international tour with separate start as last year. April - May - review of works and announcement of winners

Timing and deadlines (start of work loading - deadline - announcement of winners)

Primary school (grades 1-4, Nomination "World" and "Visiting the writer and poet") 04.03 - 08.04 - 13.05

Primary School (grades 5-9, Nomination "Knowledge", "Games") 11.03 - 15.04 - 20.05

High school, students and teachers (Nominations "STREAM-project", "Career Guidance Project", "Pedagogical Project") 18.03 - 22.04 - 27.05

  A webinar will be held for the participants of the Olympiad in November 2018, where you can get answers to questions related to the evaluation of the Olympiad works. Register for the webinar

You can follow the news of the Olympiad in our group of ROOBO Academy in WhatsApp messenger

You can ask questions to the organizing committee in our group Questions ScratchOlimp in the messenger WhatsApp. Frequently asked questions will be posted on the Olympiad page.

5 - Participants and Mentors of the Olympiad.
  1. The Olympiad is attended individually and as part of creative teams by students of educational organizations in Russia and foreign countries, as well as students of pedagogical specialties and teaching staff.
  2. Age groups of participants: 1-2 classes (7-8 years old), 3-4 classes (9-10 years old), 5-6 classes (11-12 years old), 7-8 classes (13-14 years old), 9- 11 classes (15-18 years), students of 1-2 courses of secondary education institutions (15-18 years), students of pedagogical specialities and pedagogical workers (over 18 years)
  3. If a participant from the younger age group is ready to carry out tasks for the older age group, then he can submit work to a group with more complex tasks, but at the same time, he will be evaluated on a par with the participants in the nominated category. Participants from higher grades cannot apply to the nomination for junior grades.
  4. When submitting olympiad works, each participant is registered on the site Profproject independently. Participants in grades 1-4 can be helped by adults.
  5. Each participant can submit only one application in one of 7 nominations.
  6. The participant of the Olympiad who performs the Olympiad task individually, submits the work as a file with the extension sb2. If the work was done on the site, then to participate in the Olympics, the participant downloads the work to the site and submits the work in the form of a file with the extension sb2 to the site ProfProekt.
  7. Participants of the Olympiad who perform the Olympiad task in a team download the collective work to the site and submit each independently work as a file with the extension sb2 to the ProfProject site, while in the description of their work they indicate two links: to the collective work at https: // scratch., as well as an additional link to your remix.
6 - Nomination.

Nomination "World"

To participate in the nomination are accepted individual and collective work of students in grades 1-2. The work is an animated story, made in the programming environment Scratch.
Olympiad task: the participant chooses an object of observation, research from the surrounding world, comes up with an entertaining plot and tells an animated story (My family, my toys (games), my pet, my small home, my school, my garden, my home, my friends, my favorite fairy tales, etc., our mothers (fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, teachers, friends), our toys (games), pets, our small homeland, school, our garden, home, our friends, our favorite fairy tales, etc. d.) The number of involved sprites, the number of scripts, music, theme and algorithm - the choice of the participant.

Nomination "Visiting writer and poet"

Individual and collective works of 3-4 classes are accepted for participation in the nomination. The work is a voiced animated story, made in the Scratch programming environment.
Olympiad task: participants choose a favorite work of writers or poets (poem, story, fable, etc.) and retell the plot (recite) against the background of animation (voiced animation or subtitles for children with disabilities) to choose the participant. The execution of program fragments with different sprites is welcomed.

Nomination "Knowledge"

Individual and collective work of students in grades 5-6 are accepted for participation in the nomination. The work is a computer quiz game, made in the Scratch programming environment.
Olympiad task: the participant chooses one of the subject or interdisciplinary areas "Mathematics", "History", "Robotics", "Technology", "Astronomy", etc .; the participant comes up with a learning plot (representation of the subject area, characters playing the role of the quiz master, etc.); comes up with different types of questions: open, with a choice of one or more answers; programs a quiz game, which should be built in the form of an entertaining, fun dialogue between the program and the user. Must be counted correct / incorrect answers.

Nomination "Games"

Individual and collective work of students of 7-8 grades are accepted for participation in the nomination. The work is a computer game, made in the programming environment Scratch.
Olympiad task. The game should be a complete product, understandable to the novice. The game must have at least three parts: the beginning, the game period, the end of the game. The game can be linear, non-linear, new or created based on well-known computer games.

Nomination "STREAM-project"

To participate in the nomination are accepted individual and collective work of students in grades 9-11. The work is an electronic educational resource (hereinafter - the ESM) performed in the Scratch programming environment.
Olympiad task. The STREAM project within this Olympiad is an ESM created at the interface of Science (Science), Technology (Technolog), Robotics (Robotik), Engineering (Engineering), Art (Art) and Mathematics (Mathematics). Participants of the Olympiad develop a choice of: an interactive (imitational with feedback) model of the real process, phenomenon; simulator with user skill diagnostics; learning quest, etc. In the content of the EORA, participants must implement the integration of at least four of the six subject areas STREAM.

Nomination "Vocational Guidance Project"

To participate in the nomination are accepted individual works of students of 1-2 courses of secondary vocational schools (14-18 years). The work is an electronic educational resource (hereinafter - the ESM) performed in the Scratch programming environment.
Olympiad task. The career guidance project within this Olympiad is an ESM, created on the theme of one of the professions of the 21st century in the conditions of the development of the digital economy. Participants of the Olympiad develop a choice of: an interactive (imitational with feedback) model of the real production process; simulator with user skill diagnostics; learning quest; learning game, etc. In the content of the EOR, participants should clearly demonstrate the essence of the profession / specialty / "competency bundle". Any product created should be educational in nature, teach the user some knowledge (about the profession) and skills.

Nomination "Pedagogical project"

Individual and collective work of students of pedagogical specialties and pedagogical workers (over 18 years old) are accepted for participation in the nomination. The work is an electronic educational resource (hereinafter - the ESM) performed in the Scratch programming environment.
Olympiad task. The pedagogical project within the framework of this Olympiad is an ESM created on an arbitrary topic in the context of the modernization of education. Participants of the Olympiad develop a choice of: an interactive (imitational with feedback) model of a real object, process or phenomenon; simulator with user skill diagnostics; learning quest; learning game, etc. In the content of the EOR, participants should clearly demonstrate the essence of the learning elements being studied. Any product created should be educational in nature, train the user in one way or another (subject matter) and skills.

Nomination "Robbo Scratch"

Individual and collective work of pupils and students of pedagogical specialties and pedagogical workers (over 18 years old) are accepted for participation in the nomination. A job is programming a robot, a digital lab, or sharing these devices in a RobboJR or RobboScratch programming environment.
Olympiad task. Participant:
1) invents himself or in a team the plot of a project: a fairy tale, a conditional engineering task, a game, a demonstration of a natural phenomenon, process or object;
2) programs himself or as a team of a robot, a digital laboratory or together these devices to demonstrate the project;
3) performs on his own or in a team video for a duration of up to 3 minutes, where he shows and tells (presents) his project. If the work is done collectively, then after the presentation of the project, each of the participants tells and shows the content of their work. The video should be a close-up view of the monitor screen with a sketch, after which the camera switches to a demonstration of the execution of the project by a robot, laboratory, or them together.
4) downloads finished compressed (optimized) video of up to 30 MB to one of the file storages and in the application indicates a link for its public viewing.
5) uploads the project to the Reactor site by attaching a file with the extension sb2 and a link to the video.
If the work is performed collectively, then each participant independently uploads his project to the Reactor site, indicating the full name of the collaborator.

Nomination "Unlimited possibilities"

To participate in the nomination are accepted team projects of schoolchildren, carried out jointly and with the direct participation of peer (s) with special educational needs (OOP), for example, children with disabilities; children with learning difficulties; children living in adverse conditions.
To participate in the nomination, in addition to the project, you must attach / upload a scanned copy of the letter confirming the inclusion of a child or children with OOP (in free form) to the team signed by the head of the educational institution (or teacher-teacher), indicating the number of children with OOP who participated in the work on the project, their role in the work on the project and to which group of the PLO they belong.
Olympiad task. The participants, with the support of a mentor teacher, form a team with the participation of a child or children from one of the categories of the PLO and create a project in the Scratch programming environment. Participants of the Olympiad develop a choice of:
animated story (cartoon), telling about the special educational needs of the participant of their team with the PLO and positively revealing the topic of adoption and adaptation in the life and society of this category of children with the PLO;
ESM that promotes learning or adaptation of the category of children with PLO who are part of their team. For example, a simulator that helps in the development of any skill, training game. The created product should be educational in nature, teach the user some knowledge or skills, and help one or another category of children overcome the specific difficulties that children face with the PLO (for example, an educational game for visually impaired children, in which game tasks are voiced actions can be controlled by voice).

Nomination "Scratch Profi"

7 - The language of the Olympiad.
  1. The official languages of the Olympiad are Russian and English.
  2. Children who speak Russian and English from any country can take part in the Olympics.
8 - Criteria for evaluating the work.

Individual works are evaluated according to the following criteria:

compliance of the competitive work with the stated nomination 0-2 points;

originality of the idea and content of the project 0-5 points;

creative approach - 0-5 points;

project complexity - 0-5 points;

workmanship - interface clarity, design, convenience of structure and navigation 0-8 points;

the quality of the algorithm is 0-10.

for grades 1-2, the ability to use groups (movement, appearance, sound, etc.) and an understanding of working with sprites are evaluated ;

for 3-4 classes, the ability to use groups is estimated (movement, appearance, sound, etc.) Understanding of working with sprites, parallel and sequential execution of the program, transfer of control between sprites, branching of the program);

for grades 5-6, use of Scratch’s interactive features, ability to work with variables and lists is estimated;

for grades 7-11 (15-18 years old) the ability to use all the features of Scratch is estimated. It is important to have a reaction to user actions; clear interface; the absence of errors in the algorithm of the game, EOR;

for students of pedagogical specialties and pedagogical workers (over 18), the ability to use all the possibilities of Scratch is evaluated. It is important to have a reaction to user actions; clear interface; the absence of errors in the algorithm of the game, EOR;

No errors in the program - 0-5 points;

For individual work, you can score a maximum of 40 points.

Collective works are evaluated according to the same criteria as individual, and additional points are awarded according to the criteria characterizing the interaction of participants:

Ability to use tools of joint activities (remix, backpack, studio) - 0-8 points;

Ability to plan joint work - 0-4 points;

The ability to divide the work into parts for all team members - 0-4 points;

The ability to collect fragments in a common project - 0-4 points.

For collective work, you can score a maximum of 60 points (40 + 20).

9 - Professionally competent jury.

Evaluation of the work of participants in the Olympiad is assigned to a professional-competent jury.

The professional jury is invited to meet persons who meet the following requirements:

- The jury member or his charges are not participants in the Olympiad;

- knowledge of the Scratch language at the basic level (for testing the work of an elementary school) and advanced level (for checking the work of high school students, students and teachers). To confirm the level of learning the Scratch language, the applicant for inclusion in the composition of a professional-competent jury, sends in the application a link to the example of his work or the work of his students, posted on;

- readiness to check the olympiad works appointed by the organizing committee on time;

- readiness to keep secret the course of work of a professional-competent jury before the official announcement of the results of the Olympiad.

The jury members will receive a certificate confirming the high professional-competent level.

Applications with an indication of their full name, position, phone number, links to the example of their work or the work of students posted on the website should be sent before 02.02.2019 (until 17.00 Moscow time) to the mail with the theme “Application-jury”, Vostrikova Elena Alexandrovna, a methodologist of the joint-stock company ROBBO.
10 - The regional stage.

11 - Summing up the results of the Olympics and rewarding.
  1. Winners and prize-winners are determined in the following age groups: 1-2 classes (7-8 years old), 3-4 classes (9-10 years old), 5-6 classes (11-12 years old), 7-8 classes (13-14 years), grades 9-11, 1-2 courses of institutions of secondary vocational education (15-18 years old), students of pedagogical specialties and pedagogical workers (over 18 years old).
  2. All participants who submitted a full application on time receive electronic certificates "Participant of the third part-time International Scratch-Olympiad on Creative Programming in 2019".
  3. The winners of the Olympiad will receive diplomas of 1,2 and 3 degrees from the correspondence International Scratch-Olympiad in creative programming in 2019 (nomination, age category).
  4. If the scores coincide, the winners will be several participants (teams), but not more than 5.
  5. Mentors of the wards who won prizes will be awarded with letters of thanks from the organizing committee of the Olympiad.
12 - Terms of financing.
  1. Participation in the Olympics is free.
  2. The Olympiad is held at the expense of the own funds of the AO ROBBO and LLC ECH DI TI, as well as attracted sponsorship.
13 - Contact information.

13. Contact information.

Address of ROBBO JSC: 197022, St. Petersburg, nab. R. Karpovki, 5, letter G,