session_id | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "A unique session ID that identifies events from a single user, resetting on every portal view. In other words, both 'landing' and 'clickthrough' events from a single user in a single session can be clumped together." |
event_type | type | "string" |
required | true |
enum | "landing" |
"clickthrough" |
"select-language" |
description | "The type of event we're logging. Options are 'landing' - the start event, when someone shows up on a portal; 'clickthrough', indicating that they chose a link or the search bar or whatever and went somewhere else; and 'select-language', which means the user has selected a different language to search in" |
section_used | type | "string" |
required | false |
enum | "primary links" |
"search" |
"language search" |
"secondary links" |
"other languages" |
"other projects" |
description | "The overall section interacted with. This could be
'primary links' (the called-out project links around the globe',
'search' (the main search box), 'language search' (' Find Wikipedia in a language'),
'secondary links' (the less-prominent plaintext links)
'other languages' (this page in other langauges)
or 'other projects' (links to wikisource, wiktionary, et al, portals).
NULL in the case that 'event_type' is landing" |
destination | type | "string" |
required | false |
description | "Where the user clicked through to.
This may be NULL if the event type is 'landing'" |
referer | type | "string" |
required | false |
description | "The referer the user came from, if known. May be NULL." |
country | type | "string" |
required | false |
description | "The ISO code for the country the user geolocates to. May be NULL." |
accept_language | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "The accept_language header from the user's request" |
cohort | type | "string" |
required | false |
description | "A cohort identifier. We can use this for running A/B tests or unrelated experiments, with the population who are *not* in any tests getting a NULL cohort field, meaning we can base our dashboards off those users and A/B test from the same schema in peace." |
selected_language | type | "string" |
required | false |
description | "The language that the user has selected to search in. In most cases, we expect this to be the same as the first language in 'accept_language' since that is selected automatically. When the user searches ('event_type' is 'clickthrough' and 'section_used' is 'search'), this field contains the language the user searched in, in case they went to a SERP rather than a specific article." |