newcomer_task_token | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "A token for connecting an instance of this schema to another event, such as a suggested edits module task impression." |
task_type | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "The task type ID of the task." |
topic | type | "string" |
required | false |
description | "The most relevant topic of the task; that is, the highest-scoring of those topics of task which are present in the user's topic filter settings. If the user has not selected any topics in their filter settings, this field is omitted." |
match_score | type | "number" |
required | false |
description | "Topic matching score for the most relevant topic. Only present when the topic field is." |
maintenance_templates | type | "array" |
items | |
required | false |
description | "List of maintenance templates (in text form, without namespace prefix) on the article which designated it as a task. Omitted when the task is not template-based." |
revision_id | type | "integer" |
required | false |
description | "Revision ID of the current version of the article used for the task." |
page_id | type | "integer" |
required | false |
description | "Page ID of the article used for the task." |
page_title | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "Title of the article used for the task (in text form, with page prefix)." |
has_image | type | "boolean" |
required | true |
description | "Whether the task card has an image." |
pageviews | type | "integer" |
required | false |
description | "Number of pageviews the article used for the task got in the last 60 days." |
ordinal_position | type | "integer" |
required | false |
description | "0-based position of the task in a result list. Omitted when only a single task is shown." |