
Revision 17775389
description"Captures data from the MediaWiki account creation form to be used for detecting registration bots."
description"Used for aggregating stats from same request."
description"Represents which data is being sent, namely data for specific fields such as username, email and captcha word or combined key press stats or mouse stats."
description"The data depends on the field name. For Key press statistics data includes the following statistics: averageDeltaDwellTime (Average of difference between successive dwell times, measured in milliseconds), averageDeltaFlightTime (Average of difference between successive flight times, measured in milliseconds), averageDwellTime(Mean of dwell times, measured in milliseconds), averageFlightTime (Mean of flight times, measured in milliseconds), dwellTimeVariance (Variance of dwell times, measured in milliseconds^2), flightTimeVariance(Variance of flight times, measured in milliseconds^2), dwellTimeSkewness (Skewness measure of dwell times), flightTimeSkewness (Skewness measure of flight times), dwellTimeKurtosis (Kurtosis measure of dwell times), flightTimeKurtosis (Kurtosis measure of flight times), dwellTimeInterQuartileRange (InterQuartileRange of dwell times, measured in milliseconds) and flightTimeInterQuartileRange (InterQuartileRange of flight times, measured in milliseconds). Mouse stats include the following mouse related statistics, which are not recorded on password fields: averageMouseSpeed (Average mouse movement speed, measured in px/millisecond), averageMouseCurvature (Average mouse movement curvature, measured in 1/px), averageMouseAcceleration (Average mouse movement acceleration, measured in px/(millisecond^2)), averageDeltaClickTime (Mean of time difference between successive mouse clicks, measured in milliseconds), mouseSpeedVariance (Variance of mouse speed, measured in millisecond^2), mouseCurvatureVariance (Variance of mouse movement curvature, measured in 1/(px^2)), mouseAccelerationVariance (Variance of mouse movement acceleration, measured in (px/(millisecond^2))^2), deltaClickTimeVariance (Variance of time between successive mouse clicks, measured in millisecond^2), mouseSpeedSkewness (Skewness measure of mouse speed), mouseCurvatureSkewness (Skewness measure of mouse movement curvature), mouseAccelerationSkewness (Skewness measure of mouse acceleration), deltaClickTimeSkewness (Skewness measure of time between successive mouse clicks), mouseSpeedKurtosis (Kurtosis measure of mouse speed), mouseCurvatureKurtosis (Kurtosis measure of mouse movement curvature), mouseAccelerationKurtosis (Kurtosis measure of mouse acceleration), deltaClickTimeKurtosis (Kurtosis measure of time between successive mouse clicks), mouseSpeedInterQuartileRange (InterQuartileRange of mouse speed, measured in px/millisecond), mouseCurvatureInterQuartileRange (InterQuartileRange of mouse movement curvature, measured in 1/px), mouseAccelerationInterQuartileRange (InterQuartileRange of mouse acceleration, measured in px/(millisecond^2)) and deltaClickTimeInterQuartileRange (InterQuartileRange of time between successive mouse clicks, measured in milliseconds). Captcha keypress information additionally contains: captchaStartDelta (Time difference between start of focus on captcha field and first key press, measured in milliseconds), totalCaptchaTime (Time difference between start of focus and end of focus on captcha field, measured in milliseconds), maxFlightTime (Max flight time, measured in milliseconds), minFlightTime (Min flight time, measured in milliseconds) and typedCaptchaWord (Captcha word entered by the user)."