action | type | "string" |
required | true |
enum | "impression" |
"link-click" |
"open-nopageviews-tooltip" |
"close-nopageviews-tooltip" |
"close" |
"welcome-impression" |
"welcome-close" |
"se-cta-click" |
"se-cta-difficulty" |
"se-cta-back" |
"se-activate" |
"se-cancel-activation" |
"se-fetch-tasks" |
"se-taskfilter-open" |
"se-taskfilter-done" |
"se-taskfilter-cancel" |
"se-topicfilter-open" |
"se-topicfilter-select-all" |
"se-topicfilter-remove-all" |
"se-topicfilter-done" |
"se-topicfilter-cancel" |
"se-task-impression" |
"se-task-pseudo-impression" |
"se-task-navigation" |
"se-task-click" |
"se-explanation-open" |
"se-explanation-close" |
"se-explanation-link-click" |
description | "Action the user took:
- impression: Module is shown to user
- hover-in: User mouse pointer enters the element.
- hover-out: User mouse pointer leaves the element
- link-click: User clicks a link in the module
- open-nopageviews-tooltip: User opens the tooltip on the shown when pageviews is not available yet.
- close-nopageviews-tooltip: User closes the tooltip on the shown when pageviews is not available yet.
- close: User closes then mobile overlay.
- welcome-impression: The homepage welcome notice is shown.
- welcome-close: The homepage welcome notice is closed by the user.
- se-fetch-tasks: Task suggestions have finished loading.
- se-cta-click: User starts the suggested edits onboarding/activation process (by clicking on the StartEditing module button in variant A, or the welcome notice button or info icon in variant C).
- se-cta-difficulty: User continues to the difficulty page of the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog.
- se-cta-back: User goes back from the difficulty page to the first (info or topic) page in the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog.
- se-activate: User proceeds with the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog. (In some variants this doesn't activate anything, just closes the dialog.)
- se-cancel-activation: User cancels the suggested edits onboarding/activation dialog.
- se-taskfilter-open: User opens the suggested edits task type filter.
- se-taskfilter-cancel: User cancels the suggested edits task type filter.
- se-taskfilter-done: User closes the suggested edits task type filter, accepting changes.
- se-topicfilter-open: User opens the suggested edits topic filter.
- se-topicfilter-select-all: User clicks on the "select all" button in the topic filter or the initiation topic dialog.
- se-topicfilter-remove-all: User clicks on the "remove all" button in the topic filter or the initiation topic dialog.
- se-topicfilter-cancel: User cancels the suggested edits topic filter.
- se-topicfilter-done: User closes the suggested edits topic filter, accepting changes.
- se-task-impression: Task is shown to user.
- se-task-pseudo-impression: like se-task-impression, but the task card is not a real card (error, no result etc).
- se-task-navigation: User changes tasks via prev/next arrows.
- se-task-click: User clicks on a task (and is taken to the recommended article).
- se-explanation-open: User opens the explanation popup.
- se-explanation-close: User closes the explanation popup.
- se-explanation-link-click: User clicks on the "Learn more" link in the explanation popup." |
action_data | type | "string" |
description | "Additional data for certain actions:
For action=link-click: symbolic name of the link being clicked. n.b. for impact module links, we will not append a number for each link in the list.
For mentorship module, we will add the mentor edit count and the unformatted timestamp that the editor was last active.
For the welcome-close action:
- type: the method by which the welcome notice was closed ('close-icon' for the normal close icon, 'outside-click' for clikcing outside the dialog/drawer, 'button' for the clicking the button).
For the se-activate action:
- topics: the list of topic IDs selected by the user in the topic step of the activation dialog (only present when topic matching is enabled).
For suggested edits module:
- taskTypes: the list of task type IDs selected by the user in the difficulty filter
- topics: the list of topic IDs selected by the user in the topic filter (only present when topic matching is enabled)
- taskCount: the number of available tasks.
For the se-cta-click, se-cta-difficulty, se-cta-back, se-activate and se-cancel-activation actions:
- trigger: the method by which the onboarding/activation dialog was initiated ('welcome' for the welcome notice, 'info-icon' for the variant C icon button, 'impression' when it was visible immediately, 'suggested-edits' for the variant D mobile summary button; omitted for the variant A StartEditing button).
For the se-task-impression and se-task-click actions:
- newcomerTaskToken: a value by which to join with the NewcomerTask event.
For the se-topicfilter-select-all and se-topicfilter-remove-all actions:
- isCta: true when the button was in the initiation dialog, false when it was in the topic filter
- topicGroup: which topic group the button belonged to.
For the se-task-pseudo-impression action:
- type: one of 'error', 'empty', 'end')
- errorMessage: error message, only when type=error
For the se-task-navigation action:
- dir: 'prev' or 'next'.
For the se-explanation-* actions:
- task-type-id" |
user_id | type | "integer" |
required | true |
description | "The user id." |
user_editcount | type | "integer" |
required | true |
description | "The total number of edits of the user." |
user_variant | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "Which A/B testing variant the user is in." |
module | type | "string" |
enum | "generic" |
"start" |
"start-account" |
"start-tutorial" |
"start-userpage" |
"start-email" |
"start-startediting" |
"impact" |
"help" |
"mentorship" |
"suggested-edits" |
"startemail" |
required | true |
description | "The module the user is interacting with. 'generic' can be used for events which don't belong to any module." |
state | type | "string" |
enum | "complete" |
"incomplete" |
"activated" |
"unactivated" |
"noemail" |
"unconfirmed" |
"confirmed" |
required | false |
description | "The state of the module the user is interacting with." |
is_mobile | type | "boolean" |
required | true |
description | "Whether the mobile site is being used." |
mode | type | "string" |
enum | "desktop" |
"mobile-summary" |
"mobile-details" |
"mobile-overlay" |
required | true |
description | "The rendering mode of the module." |
homepage_pageview_token | type | "string" |
required | true |
description | "One-time token per page load. This is a random user session ID that will be exported to the client-side when HomepageVisit events are recorded." |