
Gapfinder tools edit

Various helper Django applications for Gapfinder.

Section Alignment edit

The app is used to gather section mappings across 6 languages: Arabic, English, French, Japanese, Rusisan, and Spanish.

SSH access edit

For convenience you may want to add the following code to ~/.ssh/config Don't forget to change YOUR_WIKITECH_USERNAME to your actual Wikitech username.

   Host gapfindertools
   HostName gapfinder-tools.recommendation-api.eqiad.wmflabs
   ProxyCommand ssh -e none exec nc -w 3600 %h %p
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
   IdentitiesOnly yes

Once you have that setup, you can SSH to the server as so: ssh gapfindertools

Generating Statistics edit

  1. cd /srv/gapfindertools
  2. source venv/bin/activate
  3. python printstats --settings=gapfindertools.settings_prod > ~/sectionalignment-stats.tsv
  4. Stats are now saved as ~/sectionalignment-stats.tsv

Admin Acess edit

You can interact with data via the admin interface. Leila or Baha can grant you access. In the admin interface you can also download the gathered data.