Research:Mobile Strategy Research/USA/Notes/100502

  • general: client relationship manager. two daughters, my wife and i go out. bars, restaurants.
  • work from home - 2,3 days a week.
  • go to work - train - 10 min walk to station 5 min to office on the other side.
  • just got an ipad - with daughters.
  • phone - browsing. texting back and forth with friends and family. during lunch....
  • samsung cricket


  • dr. who -
  • if i don't do it at that moment i'm never going to do it
  • when it's all text it moves decently fast
  • i've been meaning to look at this on the computer. but haven't. for being in the car and just get the information
  • if nothing else, would have been able to write it down and get it later i guess?
  • photos - only annoying if it takes a long time to load.
  • infobox leads on the wikipedia page. the images are definitely a plus, an initial image with text would be awesome. or before and after.
  • ikes it page by page. would rather have some information to read through. i'm not going to wait a few minutes. 30 seconds to a minute is ok to wait.
  • i like that it's text heavy - easier to search on my phone.
  • MOBILE TAG FOR IMAGES - must include, only if they want images, etc
  • description of the term you are searching (first).
  • toc?
  • pain point: going back through pages. "OFFER: NEW SEARCH, FRONT PAGE, NEXT PAGE"
  • "view page directly" - not gonna work
  • driving, out and about, dinner or bar. rarely will i look something on the internet on my phone. post something on facebook, sports, look something up.
  • don't do any photos


  • daily news feed, sometimes i comment. to post i have to login
  • post some stuff on blogs
  • handful of times a month to facebook


  • schoolwork - nice thing is that they reference and go to the library to see what we can do ourselves.
  • first place we go to here at home
  • specific person - i go there but otherwise i go to google.
  • loves internal links - allows me to dig down deeper and find additional resources
  • open forum of editors that contribute to it. i guess you have to sign up to be an editor. i looked at it once just to see how reliable the information i'm reading would be.
  • it looked completely different, for editors, there's a process and that's where i stopped.
  • template warning about something being accurate made me feel better or gave me a better impression of what i was reading.

cross devices/laptop

  • yahoo
  • anchor page - everything that's come off of it.
  • i haven't explored deep into what it does, but i just use the search


  • didn't know about interlanguage links, but glad to see them. will totally use this to get better understanding in spanish. different perspective than what i'm reading in english.
  • would be nice to have the ability to search in a different language. (i.e. search for "immigration to the us" and get the spanish page for that.


  • why this phone?
  • if you didn't have wikipedia, where would you start.