Research:Mobile Strategy Research/USA/Notes/092601

  • high school student, dirt bikes, baseball, sports.
  • homework - a word for spanish. an hour a day.
  • if i'm doing a research project i'll use my computer. 2X a week. everyday for my phone.
  • games, listens to music, facebook (everday), twitter.
  • shares a computer/laptop with his mom.
  • "only the cool teachers are like that" they ask us to pull out our phones and look things up.
  • 2-3 computers in each classroom and a computer lab - at least 50 and some computers in the main library.
  • i don't use the computers at school.....except for research. i'd usually just pull out my phone - i have to enter my id and password and it takes longer than it does on my phone.


  • whenever i need to know something today i looked up what nascar stood for.
  • i started using it on my phone about a year ago. about the same time i got the phone. i downloaded it right when i got it.
  • it's a really good helpful site. when you're curious about something. my friend said he did it one time. he went on and fixed (percentage populations of his school). i wasn't sure if he was hacking or something. i just use it for search.
  • gilgamesh - first book translated. it was written in stone. nascar to remind myself what nascar meant. the death of ryan dunne. books that i've read. ps3 and xbox to compare. electronic technology and stuff like that.
  • i used wikipedia as a source - and the sites that it led me to as a source.....
  • new search....type their name.

wikipedia page

  • first paragraph
  • uses TOC to navigate to the history.
  • i've never really looked at this stuff (not an infobox, but template on the right). i really just look at this stuff. i don't really use this (left nav) that's all languages.
  • has used interlanguage links - to read an article in spanish as part of spanish class.
  • i think it's cool that they have these little pictures.
  • "someone must have updated that - moneyball is a brand new movie". click's an interwiki link and opens it in the same page.
  • i try not to copy it, the least i could because that's a lot of references.
  • something that you might have forgotten you can go back to it and click on it.
  • never noticed that - this is cool - discussion - this might be helpful
  • intrigued by discussions - can you please add something to a section - request for information.
  • nothing that i dislike about it. my teachers say you shouldn't use it a lot because someone might go on there and change it. but only some of my teachers say about it.
  • organization, readability, breadth or depth of articles, audiovisual aids, links (i love those blue things you can click on), references (least used, just an opinion).

mobile wikipedia

  • jet lag stuck as homepage. wants search/wikipedia homepage. it's all here.
  • random article if i get really bored during class.
  • share articles - click here - facebook.
  • share articles - dirt biking sites, movie sites, things that i'm interested. facebook or tweet it.

other mobile activities

  • i haven't checked my email in 2 months
  • with these smart phones, you have to turn off things so they don't die.
  • facebook, wikipedia app, touch input, the keyboard, synch service, settings, maps, twitter. my phone updates itself like every 30 minutes.
  • turns on and off apps to preserve battery.
  • internet is an app.

mobile vs computer

  • in the news, not in the computer
  • random and popular - not on the computer (random is on the computer)
  • phone was taken away for a week - used my ps3 or this old computer that's like 10 years old.
  • typing on ps3 on wikipedia - not so much because the typing is really bad and there are lots of clicks.
  • not sure those blue things are on my phone......oh there are.
  • mostly talks about things he does on mobile that he can't do on his computer.
  • easier on my phone. i probably should use the computer because it saves my battery.
  • posting a link - ctrl c, ctrl v - it's simpler. i supposed if it popped up on here
  • never, maybe 1ce a year,
  • words are alot smaller a lot more typing to do in the browser. navigation is more difficult.
  • gives the choice to use the app or browser.
  • words are smaller and then i need to zoom, which makes it 20 times harder to do anything.
  • finds typing on a phone way easier.


  • if sites require an account i won't do it
  • i had to make a google account when i bought a phone.
  • i've commented on my grammy's blog.
  • i'd rather see blogs on my computer.
  • android marketplace, wikipedia, "what's hot" free. looked at the pictures and read a review.
  • ipod touch is his fill in for his smartphone.

follow up questions

  • accounts besides google - myspace, facebook, twitter, peep. a music site a while back. itunes. games.

- subscribe for channels, updates, write something or talk about it.

  • facebook or blogs
  • phone - keyboard. go on my phone more instead of maybe an app.
  • plan
  • sd card - music, apps, games.
  • music on your phone
  • calls?
  • chat? sms? - facebook chat. chatroom app. notifications - takes him to the app or browser.
  • updates for apps?
  • showing us where you spend most of your time at a computer.