Research:Mobile Strategy Research/USA/Notes/092202

  • 30
  • 6pm, wine, research a cheese. gather at 5pm to discuss at the restaurant. shared office, interrupted.
  • wfh, cafe across the street. wireless....uses cafes or restaurant.
  • no one else at work knows about computers. has a background in IT.
  • any moment i'm not actually on the floor (60 - 70%), misc (10%), 20 - 30% computer.
  • reading over tv.
  • researching products - new car. questions i have, someone else has already had. tethering phone....solution was out there.
  • android/webkit. opera provides no advantage.


  • 90% on my computer
  • 70 desktop, 20 laptop, 10 phone.
  • uses opera, one wikipedia window on the phone. i like it because it's user customaizable
  • "this is rare, i have less than 10 tabs open"
  • if i'm looking for some specific piece of information, i just bypass google. unelss i want to go to the manufacturers website. unless i'm trying to solve a problem - i'll do a google search for that. i don't find that in wikipedia.
  • looking for non-alcoholic pastis.
  • leaves app, goes back, doesn't remember where you were.
  • doesn't seem to use the screen space as well as it's adapting to a mobile format. it doesn't look as good as it could. there is more potential there.
  • google search in wikipedia - asks if he wants to open it in the browser or the app.
  • only goes to other languages if linked to. i can only speak enough spanish to get by in a restaurant.
  • search in wikipedia is a little bit circa 2001.
  • simple and straightforward.....but could use more flourish. more color....deadspace. could be thought out design-wise better.
  • i want as straightforward (without looking like dos) and basic on my phone. you just want to get the information, get in, get out, and get going.
  • it's an encyclopedia, it's supposed to be dry. visually, it can be less dry.

small wikipedia edits

  • anonymous edit.....i don't consider that contributing. that's editing.
  • i have a username. i forget and i don't care that much. i don't need it to be associated with me.
  • once or twice a month i'll look beyond just reading. wonder why a page got locked.
  • jamie zwinski's malicious (?) edits having fun. and eventually the page got locked.
  • spelling, etc i might do right away. beyond, i usually won't be bothered. but maybe i'll bother with it later. no method of favoriting - i care, but i don't care that much.
  • "professional wikipedia editor". in my estimation have no life. they make the system run. i'm not that guy though.
  • interesting to see the drama behind the specific edits. or reverts.
  • list of drama filled articles!?!? read: articles with large amounts of discussion.
  • wikipedia markup - black magic. basic text edits. full on layout edits. beyond my scope.

choice of app

  • full size version of the site, this looks like crap. searched for wikipedia in the android market.
  • small ads here and there.
  • it never crashes, it's stable. resetting to the top of the page problem.
  • with the app, everything is laid out in front of you.
  • i wish there were better news readers.
  • google reader - rss feeds and blogs. the site is better than the app. app is less responsive. it doesn't display things quite the way i would like.
  • not as snappy as the site.
  • txts > calls > chats
  • if i have a desktop around, i'll use it. except phone calls.
  • i don't like to type emails on the phone, but if i don't have a computer nearby, i will.


  • phone synched with computer. picasa. set to private.
  • hadn't heard of commons but immediately understood it.
  • cars, photo uploads to facebook group or personal facebook.

follow up

  • what customizations?
  • customize wikipedia?